Page 27 of Playing for Keeps

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“There it is,” Axel said encouragingly. “That’s the girl I saw.”

“And that’s why I chose you.” I looked up shyly. “You seemed to see that and think it was a good thing. That’s what I want, what I need, what I deserve.” I looked past his shoulder at the other two. “If you want to stay here, I’m not asking you to put aside your preferences or needs, but I don’t want to put aside mine either. I want to be free to explore with anyone who’s willing. I don’t want to stop until I’ve had enough. For once, I want to feel completely and utterly satisfied.”

Low groans filled the room as Axel’s arms went around me, drawing me in and holding me tight. Right now, I didn’t want to be anywhere else but here, my body swallowed up by his huge one. I let out a long breath, then another.

“That’s it,” Axel said gently. “Just keep exhaling.” His hand slid down my spine, moving up and down.

“I think we can leave them alone for now,” Shaun said to Ethan. “I’m gonna whip her up some food. I don’t think she’s eaten a thing since last night.”

“I’ll give you a hand.”

Then a quiet fell over the room, compounded by the click of the door, resulting in the two of us pulling apart slightly.

“How are you feeling?” Axel asked. “Are you OK? Is this enough?”

This was asked in a gentle, conciliatory way, but when I answered, that changed swiftly into something devilish.

“No,” I replied. “It’s not.” I moved in closer so I could feel the heat of his skin, the play of his breath. “Tell me I can have more.”

“More? Fuck, girl, you can have any damn thing you want. You’d have to be pretty fucking depraved to hear me say no. Take, love. Take what you want, and if I’m not into it, I’ll tell you.”

That made me slightly reticent, but that offer soon pushed any inhibitions away. I was back to being the girl in the candy store, and someone had just given me a bucket to fill as I liked, then gorge on until I was sick.

So gorge I did. I darted closer, then stopped, my eyes tracing the line of his lips until my tongue did, testing those soft surfaces before moving in again. His mouth parted, letting mine in, a little moan making sure I knew how he felt about that, and I couldn’t help but agree. A hand came up slowly to cradle my head, and as I pressed my body in closer, the other slid down my spine, moulding me to his body.

“Yes, that,” I murmured, breaking away for a second, but his lips were like double stuffed Oreos—just one kiss was never going to be enough. A strong thigh hooked over my hips, holding me in close as his body pressed down against mine, letting me know the anaconda had risen again. I shoved him backwards, his eyes going wide, perhaps because several plastic packages were shoving into his spine. “Maybe we should clear the bed first.”

“Nothing here that tickles your fancy?” He pulled out a string of anal beads and swirled them around on his finger.

“Nothing here that tickles yours?” I countered. “I gotta admit, I’m disappointed my faithful Hitachi didn’t make it on the Sanctuary wish list. Like, damn…”

“Damn indeed. I’ve played with one. Bloody near blew my head off. We could rest one between us, while you straddle me and rub your little clit…”

I removed what packages I could, then did just that, spreading my legs either side of his hips. I had to admit, that tension in my thighs did great things to my clit, making it throb anew.

“What?” I asked, lowering myself down until my cloth covered cunt was right over the ridge of his cock. “Like this?”

“Oh fuck!” he yelped, his hands snapping down around my hips. “Yeah, just like that. Little fucking circles…” I moved my body in response to his directions, the tendons in his neck popping. “That get bigger and harder, until you’re grinding the fucking thing into me.”

I paused, grabbing a simple hard plastic vibe from the bed, thankful that batteries were supplied, then quickly dispatched the packaging and loaded it up. His eyes lit up when a regular hum filled the air. They’d spent their money well, whoever did the purchase order for the place. The thing fairly pulsed with rumbly vibrations.

“Tell me if you don’t want this,” I said, moving to rub it over his cock. But he just stared with rapt attention, which might not survive the experiment.

Most of the human men got very little from playing with vibes themselves. They didn’t want them in or on them, which, considering how much fun I had with them, I found hard to believe. But Axel, being Tirian, because he was really turned on, because this was being touched by me through a proxy, I didn’t know, seemed to like it fine.

“Mm…” Again, that catlike purr, competing with the vibe now, as he stretched out, bare chest on display, a tempting little pathway of black hair leading down from his belly button all the way to his pants. I wanted to pop it, open his fly, and fish out the monster I’d seen Ethan wrestle with, but not yet. I just wanted to take experiences, stuff them down, and leave myself weeks to digest them, but I wouldn’t. I might never get an experience like this again, so I intended to treasure it. I rubbed the device across his cock in little glancing caresses at first, until his hips bucked up, trying to force greater contact.

“More?” I asked, which was apparently the right thing to say. His eyes flicked open, a lazy smile spreading across his face.

“You could open every damn device on this bed, and with a gallon of lube, work every part of me over with all of them, and it wouldn’t be enough. I like pleasure, Bec, a lot. A real lot. Give me that, and I’m yours.”

And that was when the mood faltered. His smile faded, his eyes darting away, tension rising in his body again. ‘Yours,’ that was the problem word, the one that was laden with meaning, but I consciously put that to one side.

“Look, if this hurts or gets to be too much, you need to tell me,” I said, not expecting an answer and not getting one. “But if you just want more, then get your clothes off. I’d just about sell my grandma for tuppence to see all of you.”

“Yeah?” The twinkle was back in his eye, and he pulled away from me, allowing me to sweep all th

e toys to one side as he got off the bed, conscious of putting on a good show. He didn’t prolong the process, but my eyes followed every swift movement until he emerged from his clothes, a fucking golden god. Now focussed on his audience, he gripped that freaking massive cock, the thing dwarfing even his big hands as he gave it a long slow tug.

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