Page 23 of Playing for Keeps

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Axel seemed transfixed by that, leaning forward as far as he could, his nostrils flaring as he tried to smell what Shaun talked about.

“Breathe him in, love,” Shaun said, keeping a hold of me and escorting me closer, and somehow, this was easier together. He smiled encouragingly, right up until he stopped in front of Axel. Shaun looked up, and I looked up with him, for a second seeing the contrast between Shaun’s gold and Axel’s bronze. Shaun’s smile twisted as he saw me studying the two of them, imagining the much greater contrast their colouring would make, skin on skin. “Not me, if that’s what you’re looking for, but if that’s what you want, you’ll find it.”

“You like guy on guy?” There was something gently teasing about Axel’s voice. “I can give you that. You don’t even have to touch me if you don’t want. You want to see me messing with some pretty little thing—?”

“You’re a top? I asked.

Go me with my sexual preference terminology. Watching all that gay porn must’ve paid off.

He snorted at that, then shook his head. “I’m versatile. I guess I’m greedy like that. Girls, boys, working my cock into someone willing or having someone rail me, smashing on my prostate with every stroke. I’m always in.” The smile faded somewhat, his head dropping down, and whatever smouldered in Axel’s eyes flared brighter. “You wanna be greedy with me?”

OK, that, that was exactly the right thing to say to me. Just a few words, but he made the crazy need inside me sound like a fucking adventure, not me turning into a rampaging slut. He reached out slowly, Shaun stiffening, but I could have dodged out the way at any time. Instead, Axel’s hand closed over mine, pulling me closer until I was forced to put my hands up on a rock-hard chest or collapse against him.

Both were really good options.

Axel slid his hand up my spine and drew my head down.

“Breathe me in, like I’m dying to scent you.”

The invitation was low, gentle, and dead fucking sexy, his voice containing a throaty rasp. I jumped when I felt his nose in my hair, something that made him chuckle, and that was all it took for me to relax. My hands slid up the chest of a man who I knew exactly nothing about, my head craning up to try and reach his neck. So he bent down, and I felt the brown feathers of his hair across my skin, then I smelt him—like burned sugar and amber incense and cinnamon all rolled into one. My hands slid up, holding him still.

“That’s it,” he rumbled. “Take a big lungful.”

“Oi, Axel!”

I jerked back at the interjection, but couldn’t bring my fingers to pull free, and when he tried to move away, I held fast. Axel grinned, taking my hands in his and then moving slowly back to his full height.

“Say yes, and I’ll find someone willing to share between us. If you just want to ride Shaun’s cock while another guy rides mine, I’m in. I’ll put on a show, let you see every fucking thing you’ve ever wanted.” Axel paused, staring down at me, that small smile seeming to hold a hundred secrets.

“Get a fucking move on, Axel,” one of the men down the line snapped.

“Who said that?” I asked, stepping back and scanning the lot of them. Eyes looked everywhere but at me, until I met those of a belligerent-looking man. “That you?”

“He needs to put his case and then move on,” the man said.

“Walt…” the guy next to him said, giving him a shove.

“Walt, is it? You’re out, mate,” I replied, biting off the words. “I dunno how this shit works here, but if I’m having a moment with someone, I want to be able to experience that. My vagina is not on the clock.” I slapped my hand to punctuate my words, something that drew amusement from the others.

“W-What the—?” Walt started to splutter.

“Out. Now.”

Shaun moved in front of me, snarling the words, his voice gone all throaty, his beast close to the surface.

“Fine,” Walt sneered. “I’ve seen her ‘charms,’ and I’m not interested, anyway.”

“Fuck…” Many of the men muttered to themselves at that, edging away from the offender, but both Axel and Shaun formed a barrier between them and me, the growl only growing louder, until finally, Walt jerked backwards and turned and walked out.

“Christ…” I hissed to myself, looking at the clusters of men. There had to be a hundred or so guys here. “How am I supposed to see everyone?”

“You don’t,” Shaun said firmly, shaking his head, then he turned to the others and spoke much louder. “We’re here for her heat, for her to choose who she wants to spend that with. Nothing else. You’re affected, of course you are, the same way every one of us is when a single woman comes into heat, but there are no guarantees here—of a meeting, of being chosen, of anything. What you got outside my place, that may be all

you get. If you can’t be content with that, get out.” He studied the crowd. “I mean it, get out. Don’t come at Bec. Don’t push her or pressure her. You don’t know her—”

“And you do?” a voice from the crowd asked.

“No,” Shaun shot back. “None of us do. I want to, more than fucking anything.” He looked back over his shoulder at me, then his head dropped down. “It burns inside me, that need, so I know what you’re going through, but feeling entitled won’t help.”

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