Page 78 of Survivor

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Our groans were synchronised as it flooded us. It was the feeling of rich chocolate ice cream on your tongue, or Sen’s mum’s truffle trifle, the sensation of satin on your skin. Sinking down into a hot bath when you’re cold or aching. Being held close when you’d cried everything you could out. It shouldn’t be like this, the touch of a near stranger, but it was.

“Fuck, Flick…” he groaned, rolling over and looming above me. “Can I…can I kiss you?”

Fear, that probably should have been there when I walked up the hall and stood in the doorway, came roaring in. This should have been the moment that Snowy—no, Noah leaned down and pressed his advantage. Just because no one had been touching, didn’t make what had happened in here less of a sexual act. But instead, he jerked back, an answering look of alarm in his own eyes.

“Shit, I’m—”

I rose into a sitting position and touched my lips to his, for just a moment. They were soft and dry and yielding beneath mine. I watched his eyes go wide, then pulled away and was out the door in the next second, scuttling down the hall to the sound of his long, drawn out groan.


Peter’s hand slid up my thigh. We had decided this morning that underwear was a waste of time. They’d reached for me when I slipped into bed with them and again in the morning. That ache Noah had described was well and truly present now. Not a pain so much as a constant reminder of my emptiness.

Something Peter was going to fill temporarily if his hand kept up the current trajectory.

“What happened to Sen?” Aidan asked, bringing a pan of bacon over to the table.

We were sitting at the dining table, finally about to have some breakfast. Half the dishes stashed in the fridge were spread across the table, but Aidan was definite about wanting some bacon. Peter seemed to have other things in mind. His fingers dug into my thighs, pulling them apart, then burrowing between them.

“Did you want any…” Aidan’s words trailed away as he regarded us from across the table. A slow smile spread when he heard my gasp. God, right now I was wondering if my clit was a little punch-drunk. It’d taken quite a beating, but it couldn’t seem to stay down. Heat was delicious, I’d decided. I’d never been so bloody responsive in my life.

Peter played me, knowing just what I needed and giving it to me with a slow, sure hand. The two of them smiled as they saw me writhe, Aidan crunching on his bacon, peering over the table like he could see through the wood at what was happening. And it was damn lucky he couldn’t.

Those lovely fingers were whipped away when footfalls were heard down the hallway. Noah! I’d forgotten all about him. Probably on purpose, his little display…confronted me when I thought about it. He liked things I hadn’t known any other man to like, his confessions disarming, but alien. I’d forced myself to stop thinking about him when I went to bed and had been more successful than I’d realised.

“Is it OK to grab some breakfast?”

We turned around to see him standing there in yet another pair of stretchy sleep shorts. Did guys realise that grey jersey fabric was like lingerie to women? It hung so well on their muscular bodies, the way the fabric draped giving everyone a real nice view of what was underneath. His hand went to his erection poking through the fabric, and pressed down on it before letting it spring back.

“Sorry about that. I can’t seem to…”

“None of us can, mate,” Aidan said. “Have a seat. I’ll get you a plate.”

And now I knew what I wanted, Aidan’s dick bobbing around at the perfect height for a blow job as he walked back into the kitchen. I thought I’d gotten sprung drooling after my mate, but when I turned back, Noah watched Peter licking his fingers oh so thoroughly.

Alrighty then.

r />

I quickly scooped spoonfuls of god knows what onto my plate in an attempt to avoid any eye contact and started eating.

“So how’re you coping?” Aidan asked Noah.

“It’s…stimulating. Better than having to front up to work with a never-ending supply of boners.”

“You work in the IT division, yeah?”

“If by division, you mean two guys, then yeah. I started there when I was eighteen and never really found anything else I wanted to do. You’re in transport and logistics, right?”

“Both of us are. It’s how we met Flick. Bringing a load back from the outside.”

“And she bit Peter.”

When I glanced up, those pale eyes, even lighter in the sunlight, were staring at my mate with something that looked like wonder.

“Yeah, she did.” Something about his voice drew me to him. He studied me, despite having seen my face most hours of the day, every day, for over a month. “Bloody transformed my life. Having a mate… Nothing they tell you about it even touches it. It’s like having two hearts, three really, with Kade.”

“So I don’t rate a heart,” Aidan said with an exaggerated frown. “And I made you bacon.”

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