Page 68 of Survivor

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I knelt down in front of an excited little boy who was listening to all the instructions with barely concealed impatience.

“So, you’ll be OK?” I asked finally.

“Yep. The kids at school reckon it's the best, like going on holidays. Everyone’s grandparents spoil them rotten and let them get away with murder.”

“Do they indeed?” I said, definitely hearing someone else’s words in my son’s mouth.

“No need to tell Mum all our secrets, Kade,” Cooper said. “It’ll be OK, Flick. Renee’s been preparing for weeks for this.”

“Well, I didn’t want to jinx anything, but just in case…” She smiled brightly, giving Aidan a quick kiss on the cheek. “Don’t worry, we’ve got this in hand. Kade’s already told us the friends he wants to

catch up with. We’ll keep him busy.”

They would, I could see that. They had this healthy, happy family, and I was bloody lucky to be a part of it, but seeing them walk out that door clawed at my heart. And of course, my mates realised that, as they came closer and stroked my arm.

“Now, Flick, before we leave you in peace, some negotiations need to be hammered out,” Ophelia said. “You have your mates. For some women, that’s who they wish to exhaust their first heat with. It’s a vulnerable, overwhelming time. You’ve also voiced an interest in exploring things with Sen and Snowy.”

My eyes were drawn to the other men as if tugged that way, Ophelia’s words fading out as I inspected them, one pale, one bronzed. Snowy fidgeted under my gaze, but Sen met it head on, as if he longed for its touch and more.


Everyone kept saying my damn name.

“Sen stays, Snowy…” My lips pulled away from my teeth. “You’re something I’d like to taste.” The pale eyes flicked up at that, and there was something almost prey-like in his reaction. But then he smirked. “But not yet. There’s an unused room in the house. You can stay there, in case I want you or—”

“Done,” he said. “I’ll have my bunk mates send over a bag and leave it in the driveway. That OK?”

I nodded, eyes narrowing as I felt the urge to replace that smile with something else altogether.

“You’re not to approach Flick unless she says it’s OK. The fridge and cupboards are well stocked. You’ll not need anything,” Ophelia told him sternly, which had him dropping his head and nodding.

“Sen, your place here is provisional on Flick’s approval. If she decides you’re out, you’re out.”

“Got that loud and clear,” he replied, but he didn’t look at the alpha. His eyes were only for me, and he looked like he was dying to cross the floor and strip me naked. And I wanted him to, my mind wondering how that intense touch of his would feel so much lower.

“Well, there’s only this to give you.”

I heard a choked cry from Aidan, and my eyes swivelled around to see a very large bag branded with a high-end sex shop’s logo on the side. It bulged with boxes and what looked like several kilos of silicone sex toys.

“Fuck, Mum…” Aidan groaned.

“Yes, your mother wanted your first heat to be its best,” Ophelia said, holding the bag out to Aidan, but he just backed away from it.

“I’ll take it,” Peter said, pulling out a few phallic objects and waving them at my mate. “What was your mum thinking was gonna happen tonight?”

“I don’t want to know. Take it away. It scares me.”

“This might,” Peter replied, grabbing a little cat o’ nine tails. He was grinning, but all our smiles faded when he gave it a short flick, the cracking sound filling the air. This was followed by a quiet whine from Snowy.

“We’ve got this,” Sen said, walking over and taking the bag, then putting his hand on me. He noted my every reaction as soon as his fingers touched me like he needed it.

“Well, Flick, call me if you need me,” Ophelia said, but even an alpha knew when to make a hasty retreat.

“Got any lube in there?” Snowy asked, ignoring the silent snarls of the guys to dig through the bag and retrieve several items, the lube only one of them. He hefted a reasonable-sized butt plug in his hand, then looked up at me and gave me a lightning quick smile. That soon gave way to a heavily hooded gaze as he looked at me like I was a well-oiled supermodel, ready for a full body massage. “Call me if they get too tired to see to you. Seriously, bring me in.”

And just when the guys were going to launch themselves at him, he turned on his heel, seeming to know where the spare room was without being shown. He opened the door, shot me a glance over his shoulder, and then shut it on us with a click.

Which left just us four.

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