Page 71 of Thrown To The Wolf

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“But the Volken will throw their daughters at us the minute we get in the gate. Shouldn’t we just wait?”

“They’re tighter when they fight, and watching the light go out in their eyes just makes me come harder.”

The growl was out of my throat before I’d even thought about it. A hand slapped over my mouth, and I turned to see who the hell it was.

Sylvan. My teeth pulled back from my fangs. Of course, it was the fucking seer. His eyes widened as he studied mine, as if he wasn’t sure what he should be doing, so I gave his chest a shove to sort that out, once and for all. He pulled back, especially as my pack stiffened and drew closer.

The White Wolf, obviously having little interest in our squabbles, looked to the Uldariel perched on their beasts, and our eyes followed her green gaze. There were more beyond them, I’d be willing to bet Ralnor was leading the convoy, his hungry looks when we’d first arrived all making sense now. Come to a feast, he’d said. We have your gear, he’d said. We’d presented ourselves, made ourselves vulnerable in his presence by making our bonds. He must have thought the whole thing was hilarious, but he’d obviously forgot one thing—we were apex fucking predators.

See what you want to happen, the White Wolf said, and by the flinches around the cage, everyone heard it. Gather your will. Everyone can dream, but magic is the ability to turn that dream into a reality.

And how do we do that?

Through me.

We must have looked like pod people, as all eight of our heads turned at the same time to look at our captors beyond.

See what you want to happen.

The words hummed in our minds as we studied the cage, the beasts, the road ahead, and the men riding down them.

Not far from Leifgart, Sylvan said, and there was a faint rustle of surprise down the pack bond that he’d been able to join us.

Then we’re close to where we need to be, said Brandon.

But no guns, no supplies. We’ll be walking into the lion’s den, like lambs to the slaughter, Aaron said.

So, we visualise what we want, Finn said.

I want to be home, naked, and in our fine new pack house with my mates, drinking beer and watching the footy, Jack said. I want a nice leisurely repeat of what went down in that room on the regular.

That’s what we’re fighting for. For that, and for everyone to have that, Finn said.

So, let’s dissolve this cage to dust, rise out of this thing like fucking gods, and take these cunts down, Slade said.

I want the one who threatened to rape Jules, Hawk said. I’m twisting his fucking head off like a bottlecap.

And you, Jules? Finn said.

I had plenty of murderous impulses I wanted to indulge. Hell, listening to the brief description of what they’d done to the wolf woman made me want to bathe in their blood. But as I turned to my mates, I found it hard to focus on that. Instead, I felt the pull of them, like the pulse of my heart, and Sylvan slowly faded in my mind, despite remaining physically there. I looked down when I felt a vibration in my pocket, and found it was the crystal that was trembling, not my phone. When I fished it out, it was glowing green, and so were the guys, sort of.

They were all waiting for me to reply, waiting for me to give some kind of direction to what we’d do, despite Aaron having better tactical sense and Finn having much more experience leading groups. God, every single one of them had more skills than me in this situation, but as the crystal pulsed, I saw it.

There, glowing between the seven of us, were green lines connecting us all together. Some lines were thicker, like the ones between me and the guys and the ones between Jack and Hawk and Brandon and Aaron. Others, like those between Finn and Slade, were just different, as if to show the platonic bond there. I looked back at the unwitting Uldariel, too stupid to position warriors behind the cart as in front of it, to keep an eye on us, so secure were they in their belief in what was going to happen, obviously borne from having done this so many times before. Then I looked across at Finn.

These are the men that have taken our people and funnelled them to the Volken, made sure they couldn’t make another life here. They would have put your fathers in this cart. I reached out a hand, and he took it, then both of us turned to face the enemy.

Our fingers touched the cage that held us, welcoming the warm feel of the metal, so solid and strong, right up until the point it began to dissolve. We watched the trail of ferrous particles blow away and leave a reddish trail behind us. The cart disintegrated in a wave, leaving us standing on the green grass to watch the moment when the warriors realised what was going on. The White Wolf padded at my side, the pack fanned around us. We waved a hand when they belatedly reached for their weapons, loving the looks on their faces when they too went to dust, then we moved.

Hawk strode forward and yanked the guy who’d described the way he wanted to rape me from the saddle, then both he and Jack transformed into wolf form to rip the man to shreds. Their fur was white now, though I could tell which one was which by the differences in size. The rest of the pack brought the others down, their mounts watching placidly on as their masters were slaughtered.

We glanced away from their bloody muzzles as Ralnor rode up.

“What the hell is…?”

We relished all the tiny expressions that marked each stage of Ralnor’s realisation of what had happened—the cage, the cart, the weapons, his warriors. Those that had been riding up the front with him were hemmed in a tight bunch, only one swinging his mount around and taking off, but my pack made short work of him. The crystal throbbed in my hand as we considered what to do with the rest.

They would go back to their village if we let them go free. It’d take them a while to get there, but once they reached it, they’d repeat the same shit with any more of our guys, if they came through, and the poor wolf woman on the hill would still be on the receiving end of their abuse.

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