Page 56 of Thrown To The Wolf

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on’t want to have to rescue you from some kind of sex slave ring.”

“You can leave me there, Moonie,” one guy said, rubbing his crotch.

“Just remember, you’ve gotta have something to sell,” another guy said.

“Might not be packing that anaconda you got going, but at least mine lasts longer than three strokes,” the first man shot back.

“How about you stop thinking with your fucking dicks for just one minute and focus on the fact we’re entering a possibly hostile citadel?” Aaron said.

That shut them up. They moved finally, walking in a deliberate formation, most clustered near Aaron and Sylvan, rifles over their shoulders, the rest loosely grouped around us.

“That was weird, right?” I said to Brandon.

“Yep. Did you pick up anything when you touched Sylvan?”

“Oh, shit.”

I hadn’t told him or the others about what Slade and I had discovered about Sylvan. Now that we seemed to be able to touch each other’s minds using whatever that psychic space was, I really needed to set up some kind of mental group chat where the events of the day were passed on, so people stopped getting left out. I filled Brandon in on what I’d seen as we walked in, my eyes taking in the several rings of spiked wood fences that enclosed the albino elf village. The only break was this large cobblestone walkway that led up to a series of gracefully made buildings.

The largest was in front of us when we came to a stop. Several of the elves—no, Uldariel waited, smiling in the bright sun.

“Welcome,” said the spokesperson who had invited us for the feast, sketching some kind of bow. “I am Ralnor. Your comrades are inside. Please, come and be welcome.”

The hall was huge, with an arched roof and polished wooden floorboards.

“You may leave your weapons here,” Ralnor said, gesturing to an extensive weapons rack against one wall, a curious combination of armaments displayed on the wall.

“We’ll keep them on hand,” Aaron said before anyone moved.

“Of course. They are fascinating pieces. Human technology, yes?” He nodded. “Specimens come to us occasionally from Silverwood.”

He reached down to untie a leather pouch attached to his belt, the men around me stiffening. His movements slowed down as he pulled out a small handgun and then passed it to Aaron.

My love inspected the piece, unclipping the magazine and eyeing the muzzle before handing it back. “You’ve kept it in excellent condition, but this kind of handgun has been obsolete in our world for sixty, maybe seventy years.” He grabbed his rifle, his turn to slow down now as the other Uldariel drew closer. “Fully automatic, Trijicon holo sight, multiple rails for accessories, angled foregrip, and a glass breaker flash suppressor.”

“They are beautiful machines,” Ralnor said with a shine in his eyes that had the guys’ grips tightening on their guns, but he shook his head. “But I am neglecting my duties as host. I have my people carrying your supplies down to your vehicles. Perhaps you would like to send some of your people to supervise?” Aaron nodded to several, who peeled off to go back the way we’d come. “One of my healers could see to your man.” He gestured at Johnno, who eyed the pale man balefully. I guess that was warranted, as it was his people that put the arrow in his shoulder in the first place.

“What do you think, Johnno?” The man shook his head. “Thank you, but we had a medical kit in the car and were able to perform a field dressing. He’s fine, aren’t you, Johnno?”

The man in question gave a curt nod.

“Well, your clothes have been moved to one of our rooms. Your lady may want to freshen up before the main event.”

“Show us the way,” Finn said, walking in from outside, not looking any more relaxed than he had before. Perhaps he hadn’t been able to ‘get things in hand’ after all.

“Of course, alpha,” Ralnor said with a dip of his head.

The hall opened out into a large square, covered with cobblestones, though much smaller in size. Chairs and stools were set up at the perimeter, and Sylvan took a seat on one of them, looking at a woman who hurried over with a foaming tankard of something with a sour eye.

“So, I’ll just waste yet more time sitting here, shall I?” he snarked.

“You do that,” Aaron said.

In the centre was an expansive firepit, and beside it were quite a few of Ralnor’s people. Many were stripped down to the waist as they butchered the corpses of the beasts we’d run from. I glanced at the beautiful fur, now matted with red blood as they were skinned, their entrails dragged out and removed by the women who milled about. Each carried large baskets and wore thick aprons to avoid the mess staining their pretty dresses.

“Through here, my lady,” Ralnor said, moving to put a hand on my back. The instant his palm connected with my torso, the guys moved closer, growls rising in their throats. “My apologies,” he said, stepping away. “I didn’t realise you were yet to formalise your pack. Vesryn, have the clothes we brought up put into the larger room. You have six men, yes?”

I paused. That sounded obscene, being stated in the calm, reasonable tone Ralnor was using, but I nodded.

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