Page 42 of Thrown To The Wolf

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The black wolf stared back, his smile never slipping. “Ask your mate then.”


“I…I’ve seen a place with this same mosaic. After we…”

Brandon came closer, eyes darting from me to Aaron, as the other man considered what I’d said and then nodded.

“OK, we go a bit deeper, work out what this place was, and then go back.”

Sylvan began to sing as I got to my feet, a song I remembered all too well. It was the one the worshippers had sung during the procession. Rifles went to shoulders as a high counter note rung out and dull red lights flared on the walls, the crystals embedded there revealing themselves, growing brighter and brighter as he did so. I glanced at the seer, then to the guys, and then joined in. The light made it much easier to see inside the ruin, and if we were going to persist in doing this, I wanted to know what was ahead. The note soured each time I muffed the words, sounds I made from what I recalled, but Sylvan smiled as he sang, nodding in encouragement. The guys all looked at me weirdly for a second, and then on we went.

This is some kind of ceremonial place, I thought.

The deeper we went in, the more intact the walls were and the murals there. I hadn’t realised there were any near the entrance, since the elements obliterated everything, but now, though faded and destroyed in sections, I could see it. That same city, with its beautiful architecture, was displayed along with several others I’d never seen before. I moved closer, winding my way through the guys, as the group spread out now to take a look as well. What looked like dragons flew through the air above the spires, and giant wolves stalked the city. Great creatures were depicted frolicking in the sea.

“You’ve seen this place before,” Brandon said.

“I’ve been there, sort of. When Aaron…”

My pack stilled at that.

“It’s alright, princess,” Slade said, rubbing my shoulder.

He was the only one who knew so far.

Sylvan, weirdly, continued to sing, stepping away from the group, but it kept the light on the artwork.

“When Aaron placed a mating mark on me, I went here. I saw the Great Wolves. There was a big ceremony, people walked through the streets singing, and there were crystals that lit up like these ones. I followed the Great Black Wolf until we came to a plaza.” I moved along, the mural showing a more detailed scene of the city I’d visited. I reached out to touch a small detail that looked similar to what I’d seen. “There was a podium and each Great Wolf came to sit on one, and then they touched and became people. She, she looked like…”

The singing stopped abruptly, the light in the crystals slowly dulling, so torches were pulled out.

“She looked like what?” Sylvan said.

“She looked like the woman I saw in my vision,” I said. “When you bit me, I got an infection, and I was trapped in this place with my Tirian. She showed me the first women, how they were turned, how they went through the gate.”

“You never said you’d had visions,” Sylvan said, his eyes narrowing.

“Why would I? You never say…anything but weird, vague prognostications or rapey bullshit.”

That didn’t seem to satisfy him at all, his eyes boring into mine for a moment before breaking away. “Come,” he said. “There’s more to see.”

He walked on ahead, singing again, but my pack made no move to follow him. “We’re being led around by the nose again,” Slade said. “We just happen to seek shelter in a ruin that could have been built by our ancestors? I fucking hate this seer shit.”

Brandon paled at that, but Aaron reached over and took his hand. “No, you don’t,” he said. “It’s our seer that saw you end up with Jules, that got us together as a pack. Look around you, all of you.” The note of command in Aaron’s voice was enough that we obeyed, all except Finn, who was still as a stone. “Would we be a pack without Brandon’s tinkering? Slade, you would have pissed off Jules within a week without him moderating the two of you. Finn, your eyes are too much on the big picture. Jules would never have taken a second look at me after that first disastrous time in the sack.”

“It wasn’t disastrous,” I said. “It was hot.”

Aaron smiled at that, but continued. “Everyone’s led around by the nose by something. The matriarchs control us, our parents controlled us as kids. Our culture shapes us and directs us down certain paths. Free will isn’t actually all that free, but the thing we need to know is what that bastard wants.” He stabbed a finger in the direction of the Volken seer who’d wandered off. “If he’s got some secret plan, what is it?”

“So, what do we do?” Finn asked, arms crossed firmly across his chest. “We could walk out of here and ignore the seer’s manipulations. Just get in the cars and make straight for the Volken. Fuck the caches, fuck the visions. Let's just go and do this.”

“With what we have? We don’t even know what we’re facing. The guys have been working on Sylvan as we’ve been traveling, but they aren’t getting much. Unless we try something seriously hard core…” A light I hoped I’d never see bloomed within Finn’s eyes. Aaron shook his head. “That shit’s a scorched earth kinda deal. We break him, that’s it. We get what info we can, and then that’s it.”

“I don’t see the problem.”

“No, you wouldn’t, because you won’t have to get your hands dirty,” Aaron said with a shake of his head.

“You think I wouldn’t?” Finn snapped. “I’m sick to death of sitting on our fucking hands and just walking blindly into these things. I’d be more than happy to get this done, and then everyone else could walk around with a clear conscience.”

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