Page 25 of Thrown To The Wolf

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Brandon and Aaron looked at each other and shook their heads, moving closer, one set of hands going to my shirt, the other my jeans.

“You are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen,” Aaron said, and the brush of his fingers against mine sent waves of reassuring lust. The way he felt about me punched me in the guts as he moved my hands aside and removed my top. “I feel like my heart is being ripped out of my chest pretty much every time I look at you, Jules. Don’t be shy with us. It’s seriously not needed,”

I nodded, because I knew this. I was just falling back on my old pre-Sanctuary days’ bullshit. I didn’t really get why they wanted me, but I knew loud and clear that they did. I stepped down with them, one holding each of my hands as I clambered over the slippery rocks into the water. Aaron sat down and pulled me onto his lap, using his hands to send perfect temperature water over my skin. Brandon settled down beside us, tangling his legs with Aaron’s and then pulling me back, so I lay across the two of them with my arms floating out on my sides.

“God, this is nice,” I said, shutting my eyes against the evening sun. “Why do I feel like Godzilla or the abominable snowman will come stomping out of the bushes at any minute?”

As I lay there, staring up at the sky and watching weird birds fly far overhead, I could feel it, the need to touch them. I could feel both of their erections pressing into me, and my nipples were poking above the waterline, pulled tight by their presence and the cool air. For a moment, I just enjoyed the sensation of water lapping at my skin, the feel of the guys' hands as they pushed water to spill over me. I grabbed the closest one, linking our fingers before rolling over to kiss Brandon.

“No, Jules,” he said with a smile.

“No? You can’t be serious. I can’t kiss my own mates?”

“It won’t end with kissing,” he said, and I watched his breath come a little faster while his hips twitched underneath me, as if to contradict what he was saying. “We’ll have the public celebration, and then…” His finger ran down my sternum. “We’ll have the more private one in our tent.”

“We’re waiting?” Aaron said, looking across at his mate, the gaze lasting longer than it needed to as Brandon stared the other man down. There was nothing hostile in that stare, rather those cool grey depths promised a world of pleasure, and I just wanted to dive right in. Aaron too, by the look of it. I heard the low groan, then saw the shift of his hand down to his groin, where he got a stroke or two in before Brandon’s shot out and stopped him.

“Think about it. We keep Jules simmering away all evening.” Brandon flicked me a look, his eyes following the rivulets of water that streamed down my body as I rose up. His hand went to my waist, and he steadied me. “Make her sit through this whole celebration with a wet little secret between her legs, her clit throbbing.”

“I’ll be fucking rigid all night from the smell of her,” Aaron growled.

That drew Brandon’s gaze away as he peered into the water, looking for evidence of that and smiling when he saw it.

“And I’ll be right there with you. But just think about it. What will it feel like when we finally stroke that clit and lick her pussy, all creamy from waiting?”

Aaron’s eyes darkened, a subtle shudder going through his body before he shot me a rueful look.

“Aaron,” I whimpered, moving closer to the big man. He watched me straddle his legs with rapt attention. “Don’t make me wait.”

My hands went up, and I flicked my hair back over my shoulders as I forced my spine to arch slightly, pushing my breasts up into his face. His eyes followed their every movement, and his tongue slid out to swipe across his bottom lip.

“I’m aching,” I said, my voice half caught up in the rustle of a breeze in the leaves. “Touch me, please.”

“Jules…” Brandon growled, but I shuffled forward, so close I could feel Aaron’s breath on my skin.

His nostrils flared, the hazel in his eyes now just a thin ring about the huge pupils. I noticed his hands twitching, watched the war within him with a smile. Sick of my antics, Brandon surged out of the water, hands going around my wrists and tugging me back, prompting a proprietorial growl from Aaron.

“You’re the queen, always.” His voice was a low buzz against my ear. “You tug all of us along, panting in your wake. But sometimes, just sometimes, it’s nice to relinquish that power and let someone else take over.”

I paused, considering what he said, and let my body soften against his. He took this for compliance, shifting to hold both wrists with one hand so he could run the other up the damp plain of my abdomen.

“I want your clit throbbing through everything that goes on tonight. I want you rinsed and clean, so your scent washes over every man in camp, every single one of them aching to get inside you. The food will taste like dust when all they’ll want to do is bury their face in you. One after another, licking and sucking you until you can’t come anymore. But they won’t. You’ll be ours, and everyone else will have to return to their tent and lie on their sleeping bags, and spend a restless night stroking their rigid cocks as they hear the sounds we pull from you.”

“How do you fucking do this?” I rasped, and I noticed that Aaron was just as caught up in the silken siren song of Brandon’s voice as I was. “How do you make me want to relinquish a guaranteed orgasm—”

“Just the one?” Aaron asked, his smile a dead ringer for Brandon’s cocky one.

“How do you make me want to give up on guaranteed multiple orgasms now and later, for just some later?”

“Deliberately or not, I’ve been controlling things for much of my life. After a while, given the right circumstances, it makes me really fucking hard.”

I blew out a breath, unable to believe I was about to do this.

“Do we give this little control freak what he wants?” I said to Aaron.

His smile was bright, curiously innocent and open, despite what we were discussing. He tugged me to him, kissing me lightly and resisting all attempts on my part to deepen it. Then he pulled away and nodded, looking like he’d just been given the greatest gift in the world.

“Ugh, fine!” I said.

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