Page 1 of Thrown To The Wolf

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“Hold her still,” Jack said, glancing up at where Slade held me in his arms. My legs quivered, my muscles straining against Slade’s grip. He had me spread wide, offering me up like a delicacy on a platter, and the way Jack and Hawk glanced at each other, lying naked, side by side on the bedrolls inside the tent, they were looking forward to a bite.

We were testing out the tents we’d brought through the portal at the deserted mine site before we rolled out. We’d gotten the tent erected, then other things had gotten erect, and it was all downhill from there.

“You better let me go soon or I’ll—” I growled.

“Or you’ll what?” Jack asked, cocking an eyebrow. His cocky grin said he knew just how empty my threat was. He reached out, noting how my eyes observed as much of what was going on as I could. My hips bucked slightly, my range of movement limited by Slade’s grip, his fingers tightening further. Jack’s finger trailed along the crease where my thighs met my hips, the skin so, so sensitive.

“We can see and smell that you want this,” Hawk rumbled, reaching out and mimicking his mate’s gesture. Such a small insignificant caress, nowhere near where I needed it, but fuck, it had my cunt clenching down on a horrible emptiness, dying to be filled. The sensation was so close to the way it felt when they rubbed their fingers through my folds, their fingers sliding along my slippery skin, but yet nowhere near enough for satisfaction. My clit throbbed in sympathy, whispering sweet nothings to me about how good it would be when one of them buried their hand, face, or dick inside me. But right now, it wasn’t that kind of goodness, it was just the promise of that.

“I need—”

“We know what you need, love,” Jack said, that devilish smile stabbing straight through me. “You’re glistening. So pink and wet—”

“I agreed to play your little game as part of the whole team-building thing Aaron wanted us to get a start on, but if you two fuckers don’t get on the job, I will,” Slade growled.

I leaned back and smiled. “I knew I made you my mate for a reason.” He bent down and kissed me, but when he pulled away, I saw his grin was a pleased one.


I gasped, my head jerking down as a finger slid through my wetness, trailing oh so briefly across my clit. Jack stared into my eyes as he drew his hand away to the sounds of my whines. “Got your attention now?”

“I want you to—”

“I know exactly what you want, love, and we’ll give it to you, in our own time.”

“No, Jack, now.”

“Yes, Jules. Think about how good it will feel when you finally get what you want.” He moved his hand closer, but all I could feel was the barest of caresses on one tiny point on my inner thigh. “Deprivation brings your focus down. You’re not noticing the heat or the tent or the noises of the guys outside doing their soldiery thing. You wouldn’t even have noticed how your heart rate has picked up, your breath coming in faster. Your focus is on just this point.”

“I don’t want to focus on a spot on my inner thigh, Jack,” I snapped but his grin said he remained unmoved. I switched to Hawk, figuring he’d have mercy on me. “Hawk, you take over. I want to feel the prickle of your beard on my cunt, your lips on my clit. Get me wet and then push that fat cock inside me. You can go first, I promise. I’m so ready, I’m aching.”

For a moment I thought I was successful in enticing him, Hawk surging forward, pressing my body harder against Slade’s as he kissed me, thrusting his tongue between my lips. I tried to respond, shift, move, but I was held fast, only able to wrap my arms around him, but he pulled away quickly before I could take hold. I just panted, Slade’s lips at my neck as Hawk kneeled there, cock straining in his pants, the tattoos on his bare chest starting to glimmer.

“I’ll give you everything you need, when it’s time.”

“When it's time?” I snapped. “You sound like Brandon.”

An awkward silence fell over the tent. The sounds that Jack had said I was screening out came rushing back—the birds, the rustle of leaves in trees, and the muffled rumble of the guys outside getting shit organised for god knows what. The moment we got through the gate, Aaron and his soldier bros seemed to develop some kind of hive mind that had them bustling around, so busy in what remained of the mining camp.

“This is good for you,” Hawk said, placing a hand either side of me, his body hovering over mine. “You’re pretty dominant, but over here, you’ll need to let other people lead at times.”

“Oh yeah?” I leaned forward, straining against Slade, his hands having to go to my armpits to stop me from moving closer. Hawk smiled, but I could see the bright green of my Tirian’s eyes reflected in his. I continued to pull against Slade, felt the slow slip of my skin through his fingers.

“You’re the leader, the heart of this pack, but over here, you’re gonna need to listen to other people, follow their lead. It’s either that, or we die. Can you do that, Jules? To keep everyone safe? Can you lie here, in your mate’s arms, and let us play with that pretty pussy until you come, then let us fuck you to another orgasm, then another?”

Hawk made me feel like a petulant bitch, and maybe I was. His eyes were gentle, but he wouldn’t look away. He’d wait until the end of time if that’s what it took for me to relent. My eyes jerked down when I felt that same spiderish caress, saw Jack had moved towards me, running his thumbs against the edge of my cunt, pulling me open slightly with the downstroke.

“Is this so bad, princess?” Slade said.

“You know it’s not.”

“Just give us this, because who knows when we’ll get the chance again. We roll out tomorrow to find the first cache. Shit’s gonna get real.” I nodded, and he pulled my head back, capturing my lips before dropping his hands back down to my legs and offering me up to Jack.

“Mmm…” Jack said, settling down on his stomach between my legs. “I’ll never get used to this. So sweet and ripe.”

“So have a taste,” I rasped.

This earned me a sidelong look and a smile.

“Don’t mind if I do.”

Jack confessed one night that he’d never gone down on a girl before me and was a bit worried about his performance. He needn’t be. He used his tongue like another man would a finger, keeping the point tensed as he traced every sensitive inch, making my hips buck with the need for something more frenzied. I keened as Hawk lay down beside me, briefly noting that Slade wasn’t so uptight now about another guy touching him in bed, as long as it wasn’t sexual. Hawk’s hands began to roam across my immobilised body, but the sensations were interrupted by Jack’s oh so precise caresses. His tongue was circling closer and closer to where I ached the most, my whimpers increasing as his focus narrowed down.

“Breathe, Jules.” My focus jerked to Hawk, who lay there with a smile on his face. “It’s OK, I know what he can do to you. Just breathe through it. It’ll feel even better when you do.”

When it came, my breath was long and shuddering, and he nodded with encouragement as I did so. Then I felt it. The tight, hard ball of pleasure that had been building inside me under Jack’s tongue released throughout my body, a slow unfolding prickle of ecstasy that washed through me from head to toe. My mouth fell open, Hawk smiling and moving closer, brushing his lips across my nipple. It was almost like a mini orgasm, but it was far from finished. Jack seemed to almost sense my reaction—maybe my groans gave it away—and his tongue flicked my clit over and over, faster and faster, making the horrible ache inside me grow.

“Jack…Jack…I need…”

“Feeling empty, love? I know the feeling.”

“You need me?” Hawk said.

“Always, love,” Jack replied.

For a moment, my focus was ripped away from my groin as I watched Hawk shuffle behind his lover and draw Jack back, his hands roaming that golden chest, pushing aside the fall of blond hair to mouth the skin of his neck. They were getting close, those two. All of us were on tenterhooks, watching the amount of biting in their foreplay escalate, wondering if this would be the moment they’d formalise what we all knew to be true. Jack’s back arched, his head falling back on Hawk’s shoulder as he nipped the skin between Jack’s shoulder and neck, then let it slip free.

“Do you want me?” Hawk said, hand enveloping Jack’s cock, jerking him harder, rougher than I would have dared. “Do you want me inside you as you lap at Jules’ cunt?” That had Jack’s eyelids snapping open. When he looked down at me with those green eyes, they were muzzy with lust, his brows creasing slightly as Hawk started to jack him faster. “Is that what you want?”

“So much…” Jack’s voice was a sigh as he fell forward, landing on his elbows, face hovering above me. He jumped slightly at the sound of a lube bottle cap being popped and then let out a long, shuddering moan as Hawk prepared him. “I can’t be gentle now,” he said to me.

I grabbed a handful of that silken hair and said, “No one asked you to be. Gentle or rough, it all feels good.”

Jack buried his face in me as Hawk started to work his dick inside him.

“That’s it, princess,” Slade crooned as my chest thrust upwards. “Ride the pretty boy’s face.”

I felt Jack’s lips and tongue ravage me, tugging me closer and closer to a godawful precipice. I felt the deep vibrations of his groan when Hawk finally seated himself deep inside his lover. I felt the shove of Jack’s face, his nose rubbing against my clit as Hawk began to move. I felt the frantic scrabble of Jack’s fingers as he pushed them inside me, working them in and out in time with Hawk. I felt the low throbbing pressure as he hooked those fingers upwards, stroking the place that ached the most, sending lovely great sodden waves of pleasure through me. I felt the moment when Jack pulled back, his cries getting louder and louder, when Slade moved beneath me, replacing Jack’s now lax fingers with his hard dick, felt the lovely spreading pressure of him moving deeper. We ended up sandwiched together, Jack and I, his lips on mine, my throat, my chest as we were pushed along by our lovers' cocks, his fingers interlacing with mine. I imagined my face was just as anguished, screwed up with the agony of ecstasy. “Oh god,” he gasped, and his chest began to glow.

Immediately the pleasure we all felt took on an airy, almost incandescent feel. Sex is all hard, grasping, striving to that final point of loveliness, but this made it something else. Rather we floated together, higher and higher, the resulting pleasure a necessary byproduct and somehow better for it. It was less fucking and more all of us moving together like a well-oiled machine, hurtling down our preset track, getting closer and closer.

When we came, we did so together. “Fuck, Jules!” Slade yelped, my cunt wringing every shot of cum out of him as if it was her due. Jack’s dick blasted ropes over me, his body shaking with the effort, Hawk’s groans almost agonising. I looked up, wide eyed at the rictus of Hawk’s face, his lips pulled back from fangs rather than teeth, then felt the burn as a single drop of his venom fell down to sizzle on my skin.

“Hawk?” I said, holding an almost sobbing Jack to my chest with one arm and reaching past him to his lover. He had a terrible look in his eyes, as if using everything he had to hold back. “Hawk, it’s OK.”

Jack turned his head, then disengaged from Hawk to flip over on his back. I watched his face as he stared up at Hawk, that smirking mask he usually wore completely thrown to one side. I tangled my fingers with Jack’s, giving them a squeeze when he shot me a look of almost terror. I nodded, trying, hoping that Jack would run towards, not away from this. His hand shot up, hands curling around Hawk’s neck before drawing him down.

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