Page 46 of Cry Wolf

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"Don't need to," Hawk said, and sunk his finger into the glossy dark surface. "Here."

Those coffee brown eyes watched mine as I looked at him, then the lump of cake on the end of his finger. His smile flickered when I leant forward, and Brandon's hands went to my hips when they were forced back against his, my hand wrapping around Hawk's wrist. As I opened my mouth, Brandon said, "This has meaning to it."

"Shut up, Brandon," Hawk said, but it wasn't harsh.

"She's sick of going into this shit blind."

"What?" I said, my mouth watering as I smelled the unique scent of man and cake combined. Both were going to feel so good going into my mouth.

"Sharing your mating cake is an indicator for the non-bonded, that they might be next."

I glanced around at Brandon, noting he still held me firm against him. "Like catching a bouquet at a wedding?"

"Just eat the damn cake, Jules. I'm not going to assume anything by it." Hawk said.

I cocked an eyebrow, then shrugged and sucked the sweet off his finger.

Oh... fuck. I've had a whole lot of damn good cakes over the years. Like chocolate and liqueur, chocolate and tart cherry, double chocolate and salted caramel with cream and chocolate shavings. But nothing compared to this.

Hawk chuckled when my hand wrapped around his wrist, preventing him from pulling away. Intense flavour burst in my mouth—chocolate and hazelnut, liqueur and cream, butter and sugar, coffee and something else. I licked his finger, finding every scrap of cake and rasping it away to reveal the salty, slightly nicotine flavour of Hawk. When I realised I'd been acting like some kind of ravening animal—complete with grunts—I pulled back, blinking. Hawk didn't look in any way put out, his smile twisting into something as dark and delicious as the cake itself.

"Nice?" He reached out and brushed away a spot from the corner of my mouth, my eyes watching as he licked his fingertip clean.


"Do I get any?"

Brandon's voice was a low buzz in my ear, his pupils blown large when I looked around at him.

"Of course." I twisted to get him a serving, but Hawk was too quick. We both watched him hook a thick finger into the container again and pull out a mouthful.


Hawk's hand stretched out and past me, holding his offering out to the other man. Brandon's hand gripped my hip hard as he leaned forward, forcing me to move with him. I had a ringside seat for watching Brandon wrap his full lips around Hawk's finger and suck.

"Why is this hot?" I muttered. "Why is sucking cake off his fingers so fucking hot?"

Hawk heard me and chuckled, something that sent a low thrum through me.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?"

Jack stood in the kitchen doorway, a picture of golden indolence. His green eyes were hooded as he watched Brandon finish the job just as thoroughly as I had.

"Getting people to suck you off for baked goods again, love? We talked about this."

"Fuck off, Jack." Hawk's voice was a low growl.

"Why?" He strolled over to take position behind his lover, pulling his thick brown hair back before placing careful kisses along the muscular column of his neck. His eyes burned into mine as he pushed the man's collar away, revealing the place where a white mating scar should be before kissing over that. I wasn't sure if he was staking his claim and shoving it in my face, or trying to invite me to do the same. My Tirian paced inside me, eyes watching his every movement. "If someone's licking you, I wanna watch."

Brandon's lips pulled free with a pop, and he drew back, looking a little dazed. "God, that's good."

"Isn't it? He made an amazing batch with his Nan when his cousin was mated. We ate it all nice and neatly at the bridal table, but he had extras, didn't you, love?" Jack's voice was a hypnotic sing-song as he unbuttoned Hawk's shirt. We both watched his hands smooth the garment away, then claw through the smattering of dark hair across his chest. "Took them to bed with us, didn't we? Smeared it all over our bodies and then licked..." We watched his fingers tug at Hawk's nipples. "it all..." His hands went to Hawk's waistband, toying with the button there. ""

"Sounds like a good way to get a UTI."

Our heads snapped around to see Slade, Finn, and Aaron in the doorway. Slade watched me shake my head as I stepped away from the cake orgy in the making and over to them.

"The cake is amazing, Hawk," I said. The words sounded clunky and awkward, but I couldn't think of anything more intelligent to add right now. I shifted, feeling that uncomfortable slickness again.

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