Page 25 of Cry Wolf

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"Yeah, there's stuff going on with the black wolf... I can't say much, but let's just say my CO was not pleased to hear I was offering you a token."

"Well, I was," I said, suddenly feeling shy when I looked down at the pendant now hanging between my bare breasts.

"It looks beautiful on you, particularly now."

Aaron's eyes stared into mine as he reached over, trailing a path down my neck and sternum. I shivered when he traced the outline of the stone, his smile spreading as his finger trailed outwards. He noted the shift in my body, the attempt to put his fingers where I wanted them quicker. Slowly, slowly, his fingertips scudded across my breast, and I waited, anxiously, until they brushed across my areola, then circled my nipple.

"That's it," Slade said. "Flip her on her back and keep doing that. New boy, lie down beside her and stroke her clit. Princess, I wanted to string this out for some time, but I'm beat. I need in you. That OK?"

I felt a sharp stab of heat in my groin as he came towards me. Hawk moved in almost cautiously, but the feel of his body lying against mine held that weird frisson that comes only from touching someone you don’t know. I looked into his eyes for a second, making sure he was OK, and he just nodded. I settled back against Aaron's broad chest, feeling him stir underneath me. I barely resisted pulling Slade towards me with my foot as he made slow progress closer to me.

"Look at you, beautiful," Slade said, his face softening. Both of Aaron's hands were now on my nipples, tugging them much more firmly in that place just between pleasure and pain. I gasped, my legs spreading as Hawk’s hand slid between them. Slade nodded, noting every movement. "I dunno what the fuck the Great Wolf was thinking, giving you to me, but I swear to god, I'm gonna thank her every damn day I get to wake up beside you."

He hung above me, arms on e

ither side of my shoulders, creating this small, sheltered space on the huge bed, and for a moment, everything but him fell away. When he moved between my legs, pushing himself inside me, it was as if a piece had clicked into place. This was how we were supposed to be, joined, moving in time with each other and building pleasure in each other's bodies.

As I stared into his eyes, I saw the moment the walls came down. It'd been there before—when I bonded with him, and when I hurt him by leaving—but it was only now I was ready to deal with it. I dove into Slade as I'm sure he dove into me. We were just looking into each other's eyes while fucking, as we had done so many times. But for some reason, it was different now. Perhaps it was the bond, thrumming as it took mere physical pleasure and transformed it into something else. We moved as one body, making long loping movements, and then I saw them. Our Tirians ran along some moonlit internal landscape, running the way healthy animals do, for the sheer joy of it. We were tugged along with them, their thudding steps matching our frenzied thrusts. We chased them down as they ran and ran...

Something strange and beautiful happened when we came. I was dimly aware I was screaming, perhaps because our Tirians had stopped, sitting side by side to howl. There were a million words and feelings in that sound, so densely packed I could spend my life trying to understand it and never finish. I writhed underneath Slade in ecstasy, but that didn't matter. As the howl built, as we got closer and closer, as Slade's cock swelled deep within me, it happened. We came like fireworks, my body jerking with the intensity of it, but that's not what held my focus. For a moment, there weren't two grey Tirians howling at the moon, only one. A much, much larger one.

When I came back to my body, Slade was holding me close, his arms and legs all wrapped around me, as if he couldn't bear even the slightest gap between us. When his face came into focus, I saw the tears on there and reached out to brush them away, but I realised I had my own to deal with.

It felt like years had passed when we finally pulled apart, though it was probably minutes. I finally noticed Hawk, lying beside me, his face white. "Congratulations," he said, in a hoarse voice. He searched for other words but couldn't come out with any, and I understood why. I reached over and hugged him, feeling Aaron and Slade also around me. I was goo, surrounded by warmth and love.

That's the weird thing about love. While I didn't have huge amounts of experience with it, the thing I noticed about intense emotions is that they tend to be contagious. People avoid you when you're depressed, because they start feeling down as well. Raging at people often provokes answering displays of anger. But love, it seemed to be this warm, fuzzy glow. Fragile, so fragile, and so easily blown out with jealousy and mistrust, but when allowed to flourish, it touches everyone. I was dimly aware I was being the soppiest of cows, but I just didn't care. Sex afterglow with love was fucking amazing. I felt connected to the whole damn world.

Which is why when Hawk got up and left the room, I left the very lovely embrace of my lovers, Slade already halfway asleep.

"You good on your own?" Aaron asked, and I smiled. He was gentle, almost inconspicuous compared to some of the other guys, but he loved to look after people. I nodded.

"Go to sleep. You look trashed. You'll need your energy tomorrow."

His smile deepened, and he reached down and tugged up a blanket, covering him and Slade with it.


The house was so quiet, my voice sounded like a rude interruption. I walked into the bathroom, the kitchen, and then noticed the back door was open. I grabbed a t-shirt of Slade's from his bag by the door and pulled it on before venturing out.

I found him under the tree he'd spent much of the night at, smoking a cigarette. Naked as the day he was born, mind you, though the moon seemed appreciative, the light picking out every line of that gorgeous body.

"Hey, are you OK?"

His eyes jerked up at me, and I saw the shine there. He was just some stranger, foisted on me for no doubt devious reasons by Jack. But right now, I was stoned off my tits with love feelings and was willing to lavish them on anyone. I sat down beside him on the grass, wishing right now I'd worn knickers, because grass and sand and pebbles in your butt aren't as fun as they sound.

"That freaked you out, right?" I said as I took his hand—it was a big, broad thing that dwarfed my own—and laced my fingers through his. "It's OK."

"Don't treat me like I'm some kinda kid," he said, trying to pull away, but I held fast. He tried a few times to get free, then sighed, all the tension leaching from his body. "I don't mind playing the whipping boy in there for kinks. Or licking boy, I guess. But I'm not a fucking child."

"Didn't say you were. And as licking boy, you did a damn fine job. But you don't have to do anything anyone tells you, not if you don't want to."

"Oh, I wanted to." Those dark eyes grew hot for a moment. "It's why Jack put me here, the fucking bastard. Can't leave anything alone."

"Hawk, if you want to go home, I'll grab the car keys and take you. Or we could call Jack?"

"That's not it, is it?" he said, flicking the cigarette out on the dew damp grass. "With all his bloody machinations, he wouldn't have the faintest fucking idea what it would do to me to see you with Slade like that. It was beautiful, Julie, just in case you're wondering. The both of you lit up like fireworks, and you glowed. I could see your Tirians running, joining." The words began to come out raw and scratchy. "I love him with every fucking breath in my body. I'd give him anything, thought I had given him everything by choosing to stay with him rather than chasing women like the matriarchs wanted. They expect us to fuck sometimes, can't get around it with the heat. But to form something permanent out of it? Men fucking doesn't produce kids, and they're all about the kids. It's always him, y'know, he's here, even now." He scratched at his chest. "I dunno what he was thinking, that maybe I could sink my dick in you a few times and get this need for a woman out of my system. Well, he bloody fucked up. I want what you have, Julie." His stare grew hard. "So much I can fucking taste it. I want to feel that magic with a woman and him."

I don't know why, but I pulled him in close and hugged him. I didn't know what else to do, and the burning in my chest seemed to want everyone to be included in its warmth. I couldn't give him what he wanted, not with me, not with Jack. I didn't know him, and I had no idea why Jack would be holding out on Hawk, but I could at least give him the comfort of my body.

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