Page 18 of Cry Wolf

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“I do love you, Slade. You’re funny and sarcastic, and you push my buttons like no one’s business. I want to clean your clock every damn time you call me princess. Do I look like a fucking princess to you?” He opened his mouth, about to reply, but I charged on. “In my world, when you love someone, you know when the other person’s needs are just as important or more than your own. You were so bloody happy when I bonded you and I...” I swallowed, the words growing bigger, harder in my throat, so I had to force them out. “I bailed. I want better for you than me. I want someone who can take care of you, put you first, love you, be honoured to meet your family, be at your side to welcome the guests to celebrate the most important day of your life. Someone who can put you first, because I’ve got no idea what I’m doing. I’m a fucking mess, getting led around by my clit and then wondering how the fuck I ended up here.”

For a second, I endured the agony of looking into the eyes of someone I loved and waiting for the axe to fall. What else could I do? I’d behaved badly. I deserved anything that came my way.

To say what came next was unexpected was an understatement. He wrenched me close, burying his nose in my hair. I could feel the shake of his arms as they wrapped around me.

“And that’s how I know it’ll always be you for me, love. You could perch there, like a true princess, taking everything we give you as your due and using us until there’s nothing left, but you don’t. Don’t you dare talk about yourself like that again. I don’t need perfect, Jules, I just need you. Let’s face it, we all know I’m a bit of a cunt. Never keep my mouth shut when I should.” A burst of laughter fought its way out. “I gob off left and right, but still, you want me around.” He pulled back slightly, smoothing my hair from my face. “Better than that, you seem to value at least some of what I say, and that which you don’t, well you listen because it gives you access to my mighty, mighty cock.”

I snorted, then sniffled, in that weird place between hysterical laughter and tears.

“It’s OK, sweetheart, no need to cry. I’ll give it to you good after all these nice people go home.”

“Fuck you,” I said, pounding on his shoulder “I’m trying to be noble, here.”

“Noble’s boring, I much prefer you naked and in that very interesting position we had you in the other day...”

“Fuck,” I cried, resting my head on his chest. "I take it all back, every single word.”

“Will you at least listen to me before making major life decisions?”

“Yeah, of course.”

“Will you listen to me if I bring any of my concerns to you?”

“Sure, but—”

“Will you make time for me, sometimes just the two of us, if I need it?”

“Of course, Slade. You just have to say.”

“Will you get me a beer from the fridge, if I ask?”


“Rub my fevered brow when I get back from work?”


His grin was bright and pure, “Then that’s it. It’s you and me, and whoever else you choose to add to this ragtag band of misfits.”

“Well, I think that concludes the official bonding ceremony.”

I swivelled around to see most of the party was standing around, looking on all misty-eyed, and Ophelia was smiling down on both of us. She turned to Kelly. “The official ceremony is redundant at this point, don’t you agree?” Her daughter nodded stiffly, scanning the crowd as if to gauge people’s responses to that. She wouldn’t have gotten much, everyone surged forward and surrounded us. Suddenly, we were at the centre of a massive crowd of well-wishers.

“Lovely ceremony, guys, damn near brought a tear to my eye.”

“This one’s a keeper, Slade. Just watch that mouth doesn’t run away with you.”

“Beautiful, love. You hold that man tight for me, you hear?”

Cheryl and Lisa fought their way through the throng to appear by our sides with several men in tow.

“I’m so sorry, love, for bursting in on you like that,” Cheryl said. “You must have thought me a madwoman. Of course, you’re having doubts, being an outsider and all, but it’ll all work out. You should hear some of the stories about me and Slade’s dads.”

“Mum, dial it back

. You’ve already scared the girl out of her own house once. Let’s avoid a second time. These are our dads, Angus, Jim, and Brock.”

Angus, a big, blustery looking redhead surged forward and enfolded me in a tight hug. “Welcome to the family, love. I’m so glad you picked our son.”

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