Page 64 of The Wolf At My Door

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“All of you. In the bedroom, naked, now.”

We’d had plenty of group sex, but usually with no more than two of the guys involved. The heat had definitely abated. I could think a whole lot clearer, but somehow, that just made the idea hotter. There was no foggy cloud of instinctual lust directing my actions. My eyes skipped over every single one of them, my gaze tugged hither and thither by their individual beauty. There was a brief pause, as my order hung in the air, then everyone moved as one. Shaun locked the sliding door and drew the curtains, and Finn swept me up into his arms, provoking a yelp as he carried me down the hall. The light in our room flared bright as we stepped inside, the others following hot on Finn’s heels, pulling off clothes, revealing acres of hard-muscled flesh.

By the time Finn put me down, there was an honour guard of naked male bodies leading to the bed, erect cocks straining as they waited. I turned to see Finn was half the way to the same place. He paused, hand on his fly, grey eyes searching mine until I reached out and placed a palm on his cheek. I heard the rustle of the others moving when I kissed him, and put out a hand to stop them from coming any closer as I focused just on the feel of Finn’s lips against mine, soft, slow, nipping. It deepened as I undid his jeans and pushed them down his hips, him groaning as his hard cock slapped against his belly.


He reached for me but I pulled back, letting my fingers trail down his body as I went. His brows creased, then smoothed, his smile twisted with frustration as he watched me move over to Slade.

“You liking this little display, love?” he asked as I placed my arms around his neck. He moved to turn me, so I did so, facing the group. “Look at them, aching to touch you.” As if to prove his point, his fingers trailed up my ribs and cupped my breasts.

“And each other.”

“Some of them. You want to see that, love? When I push my cock into you, you want to see one of them take another? Hear them groan as one of them settles in deep while I swallow yours when I fuck you?”

“If they want it.” I wanted to sound cool and open-minded, but instead sounded all breathy. “That’s what I want, for people to be able to tell me what they want, and if everyone’s cool, to go for it.” I turned to face him, glad to see that twinkle in his eyes was back. “And what do you want?”

“Let me go first.” His voice came out as a hoarse rumble. He was trying to play it cool, fixing that sly grin of his on his face, but I could see the need plainly. “Let me be the one that works his cock into that tight little cunt of yours, watches you squirm around on the bed as you try to push me clear and pull me closer. Let me send you into the arms of one of the others with my cum dripping down your legs.”

It was hot, what he described, but there was something else there. His eyes bore into mine, his smile fading, as if somehow his gaze could communicate what he dared not. My kiss was light, gentle, trying to reassure him, but he wasn’t having it. He yanked me to him, forcing his tongue between my lips, pouring everything he had into it before pulling away again. I blinked, feeling dazed by sensation and the sudden absence of it, and then he smiled, quick and brilliant as the sun. “C’mon, you better get to the others before they burst.”

“Let’s get these clothes off,” Shaun said when I moved to him. I tangled my hands in his hair as he removed them, neat as a maid. He struggled to meet my eyes as I leaned in to kiss him, but his fingers dug into my waist as his lips brushed mine. The lightness of his touch seemed to belie what he was feeling. I could hear the desperate rasp of his breath as we touched, something that only got more intense when he turned me around and pushed me dazed towards Aaron.

I should have felt self-conscious, standing there naked in front of five guys, but I didn’t get a chance to. Aaron’s lips were on mine the moment I was close enough, his hands everywhere. I found myself clinging to his chest, our tongues twining as his hand slid up my thigh. “Jules, you’re so wet.”

He said it like I gave him the greatest gift, like it was steak and blow job day, and he was getting a double suck while eating a 400gm, grain-fed, Scotch filet. The rumble of his voice and the press of his mouth was one part reverent, one part ravenous. I panted against his lips as those fingers slid across my seam, the V rubbing on either side of my clit. My thighs widened instinctively, my hips thrusting along with his caresses, the pleasure building and building...

“Time for Brandon, Jules.”

The man in question’s face swum into focus as I blinked. He took in my dazed expression with a heavy-lidded smile and drew me into his arms. For some reason, resting my head against the hard expanse of his chest and breathing in his scent was just what I needed. He chuckled a little, then brushed my hair back from my face.

“It’s a bit overwhelming, yeah?”

He said it quietly, as if only for us.


“We’re gonna make you feel so good.” He spun me around to face the group. “Look at them. They’re aching to be inside you, just like I am.” He flattened his hand against my pelvis, grinding me back against his rigid length. “Ask them to touch those hard dicks.”

I glanced over my shoulder, but then turned back to the rest of them. “Do it.”

Big square hands, knotted with muscle, grasped each thick cock. Some, like Slade, made a show of the act. He moved his hand so, so slowly up and down his dick, as if remaking every inch of it with his movements. Veins stood out on Finn’s neck and temple. He did what I asked, but it looked like it hurt him to do so. I remembered how long it had been for him, longer than the others.

“We shouldn’t do this to Finn. He needs it too much.”

“He does, doesn’t he? Look at that cock, those veins standing so proud. It’s so red and angry.” We watched Finn shudder with the effort of holding back. “You can ease his suffering, if you want.”

A memory of Brandon working his dick into Aaron flashed into my mind, so I looked back at him.

“What do you want?”

His smile was perfect, bright and beautiful, and he knew exactly what I was and wasn’t asking.

“Me? I want to push S

lade out of the way, drop you on the bed and bury myself in you.” His smile widened when he heard my sharp intake of breath. “I want to be selfish and just fuck you until we both come. But really, I want to see you let go, really let go. I want to see you spread out and wanton, with us sucking, licking, biting, fucking every bloody inch of you. I want you to come until you can’t anymore and then I want you to come just once more. I want you covered in our cum, marked by any and all that smell you as ours.”

A growl went around the room that sounded like one of agreement.

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