Page 61 of The Wolf At My Door

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“Don’t...don’t go getting caught up in power struggles.”

I took in his frown, the arm’s crossed firmly across his chest.

“Are we good?” I pointed to the bulletproof vest. Aaron nodded.

It was bulky and uncomfortable, even more so when I reached out and gave Brandon a hug, but it was worth it when those arms loosened and went around me.

“I just want to see this guy.”

“I know.” He buried his head in my hair, breathing in my scent. “It worries me.”

“We’ll take care of her,” Finn said. “Not that she needs it. She’s near-indestructible now, you know that. With Aaron and the guns...”

“Worries aren’t rational, but they feel like they are,” Brandon said, stepping back. “I’ll be here when you get back. Be safe, and I hope you get what you need.”

Finn was the only one apart from Aaron that would come with me. A couple of big burly guys nodded as soon as we came outside and climbed into the front of the truck, leaving me to get in the back, Finn on one side and Aaron on the other.

Finn smiled at me as the truck started rumbling down the road. My body was sure this was going to be just like the matching hall incident, which had me wriggling in my seat. He noted this, his eyes growing hooded. I reached out and placed a hand on his leg, something he captured quickly. He tangled his fingers in mine, rubbing a thumb over my knuckle.

“It’s been too long,” he said when I cocked an eyebrow.

“It was only last night.”

“I know, but it never feels like it's enough. I’m either in you, or watching one of the guys in you. I’m lucky Kelly put me on indefinite leave, because I am a fucking mess right now.”

“First order of business when we get home,” Aaron said. “Him first, then me. Sound good, Jules?”

They both watched me shift in my seat, my legs crossing and uncrossing. What the fuck was I doing, leaving the house? All I could see, think, feel was exactly that. We’d worked out a Goldilocks protocol for sex, where I went from one to the next until everyone was ‘just right’. I hadn’t had any more pain with Aaron, something he knew damn well from that smile on his face, only the pleasure that came from having more cock than I would have ever thought possible.

“You OK, Jules?” Finn asked, his smile unwavering. “Something you need? Because we can turn this truck around. You just say the word.”

“No,” I said, reaching out for both of them, one for each hand. I pressed the palm into each straining groin, letting them slide up and down, up and down to the musical sound of their groans.


It wasn’t what I expected. I guess I’d not had a lot of experience with underground bunker or prisons, so I didn’t have much to compare it with. While I knew the guys were aching, it was all business when we pulled up. The guy in the front got out first, checking out the area. Not sure why. It was flat and dusty and empty here, a large fence running around the compound. There was only one other car there, and a hole in the ground.

That wasn’t totally accurate. When we piled out, I could see concrete steps leading down into the bunker, and a large, reinforced steel door blocking the entrance. Kelly stood leaning against the other car, waving a hand when we walked over to the compound.

The men Aaron brought with him went first, guns held with a casual competence. One walked up to a scanner in the side of the stairwell, and upon inspection, the door clicked open. Finn took my hand as we walked inside.

It was all grey cinder blocks and steel reinforcement down here. There was a small waiting area with bench seats bolted to the wall and a reception desk, cordoned off by metal screens. One of the men walked up and pressed a button. Another man arrived, stopping when he saw us, nostrils working, before schooling his face into a neutral expression. “So, we’re going through with this?”

“She says she needs it, to get over what happened,” Aaron said.

“Well, you’ve got the clearance. Steer away from the mess room. We couldn’t find enough married guys to cover everything, and some of those that are...well, they’re questioning their vows right now. She’s a bomb waiting to go off, and so’s he. Get her in, and get her out.”

“Got it.”

The metal door swung open and we walked in, moving down a long hallway until we reached another set of gates, an

d another. We continued through, the only thing that changed was the man standing at the doors. One took an involuntary step towards me, something that had the men’s guns whipping up and a growl coming from Aaron, but he seemed to master himself, moving back to his position. Then we came to the final door, a huge portal that looked much like an old bank vault door. The men nodded, and then keyed in the numbers to open it.

“May as well take the fucker’s food in for him while you’re in there,” a big burly guy said, shoving a tray at Finn. “Don’t you worry, love. We’ll keep you safe. Take a look, get your fill, and then you turn around and pretend like this fuck never existed, yeah?”

I found myself agreeing just from the heavy weight of his gaze. Seemingly happy with that, he gestured for us to precede him.

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