Page 50 of The Wolf At My Door

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My lips fell open slightly, my breath coming in faster as I considered what he said. “So, nothing I do will make you react?”

“Oh, there’s a whole lot of reacting going on,” he said, jerking his eyes downward, “but if you’re asking am I going to start anything, then no, not until you say so.”

I found myself grinning, unable to stop. His eyes burned into mine as I ran my finger down the fine trail of brown hair that ran from his navel to his waistband, watching his pupils flare, his breathing sped up as I toyed with the button. “What are you going to do with him?” Slade said, in a low growl, running his lips over my ear.

“I don’t know,” I said. “Right now, I’m just enjoying…touching without consequences, without expectations. That’s OK, isn’t it? If I walk away, don’t choose you, that’s no big deal?”

“Not a big deal?” He looked away briefly before glancing at me. He swallowed, then smiled. “Not sure if that’s the word I would use, but sweetheart, I can see the dilemma you’re in. Too many offerings, who do you choose? But, if you walk away leaving me harder than I’ve ever been, aching for you, well, I won’t be in the minority, will I?”

I glanced about and saw guy after guy watching what I was doing. I went to snatch my hand away but a

warm one covered mine and pulled it back against bare skin. When I looked back, he paused, as if asking permission, then pushed it further down his pants. My fingers closed around his hard length automatically, his smile spreading when I realised what he had down there.

I know some women think dicks are pretty ugly. I get it, especially if you’re getting bombarded by unsolicited pics of them on social media, but me, I guess due to positive associations I’ve had with the handling of them, I considered myself a bit of a connoisseur of a nicely formed cock. One of the boyfriends I’d had in my early twenties had quite the package, and actually knew how to use it. Aaron’s breath was coming hard now, his eyes rolling as his head fell back, my palm cupping and then rotating around the bulbous crown of his dick. It turned out the two of them were similar in proportions, and if he knew what he was doing, there would be that same almost punching sensation as he worked that big head up inside me. “He’s in,” I said, pulling my hand free. “I’ll give you a go, and we’ll see how things work between you and me, and between the guys.” Aaron shuddered, coming to and then shifted himself into a more comfortable position, a huge smile on his face.

“I hope you have no reason to regret it.” He nodded to his mates, who looked either pissed or envious. “Let the CO know I’m taking personal leave,” he said as he fell in behind Slade and Finn.

“Got it, mate,” one said, patting his shoulder. “Hope to see you married up and living the good life.”

“Was there anyone else?” Finn asked, looking over the crowd. “Or did you just want to see how things go with Aaron?”

“One at a time,” I said, moving closer to Aaron. His arms went around my waist, and I found that I fitted into his side as if I’d always been there. “Less likely to get overwhelmed that way.”

“Home it is, then,” Slade said. “Now, that rather intriguing suggestion you made before…”


Slade and Finn walked out, going around to grab the car. Apparently because I was with another man, it was safe to leave me alone. I stood by the big double doors of the meeting hall, Aaron at my side, watching the men begin to file out. Oddly, I felt a pang as they left. It wasn’t that I wanted any in particular, I already had one I was reasonably sure I liked. I mentally smacked myself upside the head. I was getting selfish, because as they went, they took with them the potential thrill of finding someone else. Until he strolled through the door.

“It’s over already?” he asked as he wove his way through the guys, a shit eating grin on his face. I didn’t answer straight away, my eyes caught on the expanse of exposed male flesh in front of me. He wore a pair of well-worn navy work pants that hung low on his hips, looking like they could be pulled off with ease, and I found my fingers twitched to do just that. His chest was bare, less bulky than Aaron’s well developed one, but there was a curious cat-like elegance to his lean build. He strolled over, green eyes boring into mine, shoving back the ragged fall of blond hair that tumbled over his shoulders. “So who are you, baby? The lucky lady in question?”

“She’s not taking petitions, that’s who,” Aaron snapped, but my hand went out, hanging in the air for a moment in offer before the guy smirked and took it, giving it a firm shake.

“I’m Jules.”

“Jack,” he said, still holding my hand, letting his calloused palm rasp against mine before looking over his shoulder. “This is Hawk.”

Oh, god, I thought. My heart jumped into a gallop from a standing start as Jack’s friend walked up to the step. I watched his eyes widen slightly, but his steps never faltered, until he stopped to one side of Jack. The guy who I’d been watching doing the fencing, the one with the long brown hair, that was Hawk. “You two know each other?” Jack said, eyes flicking between me and his mate.

“No,” Hawk replied, his voice a deep rumble.

“Jules, the car’s pulling up. We better go,” Aaron said, placing a gentle hand on the small of my back.

“Oh, right,” I said, starting a little at the sensation of the unfamiliar hand on my skin. The singlet was brief enough that I could feel the heat of him. It said a lot about me that the sexual mores of this place were more disorientating than the fact I could turn into a wolf made partially of smoke. My Tirian shifted inside me, watching Jack and Hawk with a curious eye. Jack hadn’t dropped the smirk the whole time, something she wanted to see if she could remove, or if that mouth was just as clever when it was full of me. And with Hawk, I felt a shiver, a need to shift, run, something I hadn’t felt since the first night.

“So, this is your final choice?” Jack asked, eyeing Aaron, which drew an answering growl from him. “You’re finished, squared away, ready to move into the married quarters?”

“No, I don’t think so. This is still pretty new to me.” Aaron’s hand slid up the back of my shirt, rubbing circles on the bare skin between my shoulder blades. My eyes fell partially closed for a moment as I felt a rush of heat from that sure, slow caress. “Right now, I guess I’m just enjoying myself, seeing where things take me.” Jack grinned at the breathy tone of my voice, watching the little gasp that came as Aaron’s hand snuck around my waist and skimmed up along my ribcage. Jack’s nostrils flared and he looked away, letting out a low groan, then laughing as he readjusted his dick in his pants.

“Well, alright then. We have to come by, check the bridal suite fence, especially as we have an unfriendly locked up on the premises thanks to the grunts. Kelly doesn’t want to take any chances with you, love.” I nodded, trying to keep my cool as Aaron’s lips began to trail along my neck. I shifted under his touch, the light smattering of touches somehow making me more aware of what he was doing than something harder. “Maybe we’ll see you around?” Aaron’s teeth closed over a chunk of my skin, holding me still, triggering some sort of deep down instinct I didn’t understand, pushing me into a state of submission before releasing me. I shook my head, all of a sudden feeling like I was drowning. There was too much, too much pretty, too much touch, too many hot guys bamboozling me with all this bare flesh. I took a little step away from Aaron, forcing his hand to drop, and Jack’s grin grew sharper.

“Yeah, maybe,” I said in a more even voice.

“Well, you have a…stimulating afternoon, love, if you can, and if you can’t, we’ll be by tomorrow.”

Aaron leapt forward, ready to grab the guy, but I stopped his hand, watching Jack walk away with a wink and a swagger and Hawk looking back at us for much longer, with eyes I couldn’t quite read. I schooled my face into a more pleasant expression, facing Aaron with a smile, and said, “Let’s go.”

“What happened?” Slade asked when we got in the car, turning around to look at us from the front seat. Finn’s eyes took us in via the rear vision mirror, but he kept his mouth shut. That was never going to happen with Slade. “So? You look pissed, and you smell horny,” he said, looking from Aaron to me.

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