Page 43 of The Wolf At My Door

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“She has chosen. When she was human, she chose all of us, and she has to live with whatever decision the wolf makes when she wakes up. This way, she will be happier living with the end result.”

The man things had obviously decided to submit to my superior strength. I took one stalking step towards them, then the next, growling my intention to gut the lot of them. I still had the taste of the reddish one’s blood in my mouth, and it was so sweet. I looked forward to gouts of it splashing my muzzle as I tore into him. “Time to go,” the reddish one said, his eyes already gone to green. I screamed my warning at him, not to make the same mistake as the other, not to take his other form, but in the next moment, the three of them were no longer man things. White and two greys, they howled their derision at me and then took off into the night.

I followed them on wing-like feet, seeing their forms disappear into the darkness, putting on extra speed to close the gap between us. Instead, a river of other Tirians came from every direction, running towards me, eyes bright in the darkness, heads down and taking one insolent stalking step after another. The stench of lust was so thick, it was almost sickening. I snorted to free myself from it, to retain my former fury, but another hunger woke. This is the mating dance, a voice said inside my head, and I knew then what that meant. They thought themselves contenders, thought they deserved the right to plunge themselves into me. I felt a lowdown ache that told me just how ready my body was for that, but refused to give in to it. I shook my head and growled as one, and then more, dared to draw closer. I opened my great jaws and rushed the impudent bastards.

It was heaven, the feeling of skin and flesh ripping under my teeth and claws, the spurts of blood in my mouth dissipating like smoke from my fur when it splashed me. The cacophony of yelps and growls was the purest music to my ears, making my heart sing, making me redouble my efforts. Bones cracked and guts dropped in steaming piles as I fought my way through, looking, looking for the strongest among them, the one who earned the right to be by my side. I found my way out the other side of the crowd without having found him. I laughed my wolf laugh, my muzzle dripping with blood in the cool night air, looking over the now greatly reduced group who had presumed and then turned tail and ran. I could feel him, out there in the dark, the one I wanted, the one I needed. Wolves followed hard on my heels but they did not have my reach, my s

peed. I howled in mockery before effortlessly tearing away from them.

Once I broke into the forest, I was hit by a wall of sensory information. Smells, like dead leaves, rotting animals, trees mouldering into the soil. Bright harsh pine resin, and the crunch of needles under my feet. The haunting calls of night birds, the flutter of wings, the snap of branches under animals’ feet. And there, off a ways and to the left, my prey. I dropped down low, I had a fair distance to cover until I found them, but the need to stalk was strong. He was it, the thing I needed, the thing that made my insides burn again, though much more pleasantly. I knew what it would feel like when I covered him, my body hot against his, the wedge of his dick working itself inside me. I would howl and convulse, and it would go on and on and on… You’ll need more than one for that, the voice said. I laughed, there was plenty to go around.

I wove through the trees like a shadow, the grey of my fur mottled and perfect for blending in on a silvery night. I looked like moon glanced foliage or bark on a tree, impossible to see. I shifted so that the breeze washed past me, bringing me the tantalising sent of the one I wanted, and washing mine away to taunt those who dared to follow. I crept through the forest on silent feet until I found him. I crouched down on the crest of a riverbank, watching him drink from the river, his white body stark against the darkness. There were reddish marks marring his fur, but he seemed unconcerned by them. His head pulled up from the water, smelling the wind and listening to the far-off howls. I opened my mouth in a wolfish smile and then began my slow descent. My steps were concealed by the sounds of him lapping, I dropped down into the undergrowth each time his green eyes flicked around, but he continued to drink. I coiled my legs under me as he stood in the small stream, panting hard to catch his breath, then I struck.

I leapt the distance between us, crashing into his side, forcing him on his belly in a growling scrabbling mess. I attacked fast, avoiding his razor sharp teeth and claws, and then snapped my fangs around his neck. It was as if I’d pushed a button. He lay half in, half out of the water, limp under my grip, and I remembered the taste of his blood. I wanted it, to close my jaws and rip out his throat, to take that blood into me, but I had other hungers that needed satisfying first. Not in this form, the voice said, you’ll need to shift back for this. My eyes flicked around me as I held the male pinned, looking for signs of threats. It was hard to discern, my nose clogged with the delicious scent of blood and receptive male. I pulled back from his neck, planting a paw on his chest and then with a twist, I was in my other form again.

Instantly the world seemed quieter, duller. I looked around, trying to recapture the sensory carpet I had been able to discern while Tirian, but it was lost until I turned again. I could call it, that form, I realised now, at a moment’s notice. We were the same coin and with a flip, you could get one side or the other.

“Jules.” I looked down and saw my hand was planted on the smooth chest of Finn. He licked his lips as my eyes raked his body, taking in that he was hard and thick for me. That’s what I needed, I felt a sharp hard twist of pleasure inside me as I felt how swollen and wet I was. My cunt dripped with need for him. He would slide in with ease, spreading me wide, just beyond that pinch of pain that settled into a hard, desperate bliss as he began to move. He watched me wide eyed as I placed one hand next to the other and started to lower myself down.

“Jules, no!” he said, and I snarled in response. How dare he stop me? He was there for my satisfaction, I had a need, and he was well-equipped to meet it. All he needed to do was sit there and enjoy the ride. “I need to get you ready. You’ve been lying in that bed for weeks, the water, and I’m…bigger. Let me make it good for you, Jules. You’re going to want it hard and often tonight, and for a while after that, probably. I don’t want you hurting any more, Jules. Please.”

He will make it more pleasurable for you, the voice in my head said. Why did I need him to do that? I knew exactly what would please me, he just needed to get on board. My cunt would be a vice, squeezing the pleasure from him as I took mine. Why did he not submit to this?

“Jules,” he murmured, shifting beneath me, my hands slipping to his shoulders as his lips grazed my body, glancing touches that made my skin come alive. When his mouth surrounded my nipple, I yipped as the demanding yet soft caress sent a wave of warmth through my body.

“Is this what you mean to do?” I gasped as he moved to lave the same attention on the other nipple.

“Mmm hmm…” he said, his teeth grazing my skin.

“Then let us get out of the water. I will permit this.”

“There’s a campsite about five minutes away. I didn’t have a chance to do much, but there is a bed roll there. Better than fucking in the dirt.”

“Take me there.”


I followed hard on his heels, holding myself back from what felt natural, striding off in front of him and leading the way. I heard his pants come as he ran down the dirt track, but I had barely raised a sweat by the time we reached the campsite. A warm fire crackled within a pit, and there beside it was the promised bed roll. “Lie down,” I said, ready now to satisfy this urge.

“Not quite yet,” he said. He held up a hand when I started to growl, and then fell to his knees, a pleasing posture. He looked up at me and then moved into my body, burying his head into the hollow of my hipbone before turning and placing hard, wet kisses on the skin, moving down and down until…

“Uh!” I cried in surprise. My legs were closed, and yet his tongue managed to worm its way into the top of my slit, the wriggle flicking hard against my most tender spot. My thighs spread automatically, and I grabbed his head, forcing it in deeper. He groaned as he shifted his angle, licking up and down my seam. I yelped, it was not enough and too much all at the same time.

“God, I can’t take this slow. Your scent is driving me mad,” he said, and then buried his face in me in earnest. I was alerting all around me to our presence, but I no longer cared. I could take on a hundred, a thousand of them, such was my desire. Inside, my cunt clenched as his tongue worked its way lower, to that achingly empty place that was dying to be filled. “Lie down, I can get to more of you,” he said, panting.

I laid down on the soft bedroll, and he was between my legs, pushing them wide in the next moment, a furious feeding thing. His tongue wiggled inside me, helping to abate the ache a little, but I needed something harder, faster. The pressure of his mouth and chin against my slit made me shift, jamming my body down harder, wanting, needing more. “You’re close,” he said, pulling back and then closing his lips around my clit.

I saw stars, my vision went white and then dissipated into a series of flashes as my pelvis tightened and ached in response to his sucking motions. It was coming, something huge. My whole pelvis began to shake, I couldn’t relax, couldn’t let this just happen. “Now Jules,” he murmured against my flesh and then jammed three hard fingers inside me.

“Uh… oh fuck!” I screamed. My body snapped tight around the intruders, then spasmed in wave after wave of overwhelming pleasure. I felt cramps in my tailbone and up my spine, but that seemed to only make it more intense. I had barely finished when the fingers were pulled from me, and he shifted.

“You’ll want to be on top,” he said, rolling me over so I straddled him. He produced a small tube of clear liquid, and I watched open mouthed as he worked it onto his dick. “You can control how fast or how deep you want to go.”

Yeah, I could. I looked at him with slitted eyes, he was able to provoke great pleasure, but he seemed to be assuming that gave him more authority than it did. Nonetheless, there was a spot in me that needed to be stroked, and his fingers had been unable to reach, no matter how brutal. I nodded and moved over his cock, and then worked it up inside me. “Oh yeah…” I hissed. This was the real thing, what I really needed. The lips and fingers were nice, but only a prelude to this. An incredible sense of rightness settled over me, pleasure flickering up and down my spine as I felt the stretch. It was hard work, he wasn’t lying, he was big. A little bigger than I needed, but I couldn’t find the desire to stop. Instead, there was a terrible excitement, like this was some kind of cliff and I was just about to jump off of it.

“Ah!” I hissed as I felt a wrench of pain. I did not want pain, pain was the world I had spent all too long living in. His hand snaked up and his thumb began to circle my clit, which turned the pain into something else altogether. I worked myself up and down, up and down, letting my body grow used to the intrusion, finding myself going lower and lower.

“God, Jules, I’ve wanted this for so long,” he hissed. I smiled, of course he had. Then, I began to move in earnest.

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