Page 62 of Bearly Familiar

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“He probably told you,” she continued, as if she was asking.

“He mentioned something,” Rene felt a little provoked, and felt like she should say something, but not too much.

“In any case, I just wanted to tell you that I hope you are taking it slow and making sure Parker doesn’t see you.”

“Of course not,” Rene assured her.

“I mean, I know Hyde, and I know he wouldn’t do that, but I wanted to talk to you, as well.”

“Of course,” Rene nodded again.

“Please, don’t take this the wrong way,” Isabella smiled kindly, “I’m just making sure that my son is alright. And, I would like to see my ex-husband happy. He is a good man.”

“He is.”

“I wasted my chance, but you still have it. Cherish him, and he will return it a hundredfold.”

“Thank you,” Rene started, but that was all she managed to mutter, because she could see Parker and Hyde returning.

“OK then,” Hyde sighed, “it’s time to call the cops. So, we all know the story, right?”

Everyone nodded. Rene felt a little anxious, but she knew this was for the best. She could only hope that this little lie wouldn’t eventually come back to haunt them.

Chapter 19

About a year had passed since that unfortunate event, and the three agreed not to talk about it again, unless it was utterly necessary. Everything happened exactly the way Hyde assured them it would. He called the police, and did most of the talking. The police officers who were called to the scene, were happy to talk to him. They were worried about Parker and the two women, and didn’t mind keeping them on the side of the whole affair. They only had to leave a statement down at the police station, but that was that. They got a call a few weeks later, where they were informed that no one would be pressing any charges, as things were clear cut. The guy broke in and what happened to him was the result of self-defense. Finally, the mattered was settled and they all allowed it to die down.

Days passed by slowly, and a sweet, predictable routine was established. Rene spent her free time with Hyde and Jesse when Parker was away with his mother, and they still made sure he didn’t know anything that was going on between them.

“Why are you so against telling him?” Hyde asked her, unable to understand her viewpoint.

“I’m afraid it might change everything,” she confessed.

“You’re silly,” he kissed her on the forehead, as they strolled through the park, all three of them. “Tell her she’s being silly,” he urged Jesse to agree with him.

“I’m not telling her anything, I don’t want her to get upset with me,” Jesse grinned.

“Traitor,” Hyde punched him playfully in the shoulder. “But, seriously now, why not? He loves you, he’s told me so himself.”

“But, he loves me as a nanny, as a friend, not as his dad’s girlfriend.”

“What’s the difference?” Hyde asked stupidly, and she had to laugh.

“Well, for one, I’d spend more time there, more time with you. He might feel like you’re not spending enough time with him and he might blame me for that. That’s the last thing I want to happen.”

“What if we talked to him nicely? He’s a smart kid, he’ll understand.”

“I’d rather wait a little longer, if you don’t mind,” she asked, as nicely as she could, and there was nothing else for Hyde to do but agree. “Oh, and don’t forget about tomorrow.”

“We’ll be there with bells on,” Jesse smiled.

The following day arrived quickly, in anticipation of what was to come. Despite her best efforts to calm herself down, Rene couldn’t stop feeling a little jittery and anxious. She wasn’t really sure if this was a good idea or not. She also didn’t know how it would end. It might go smoothly, but it also might be a total catastrophe. As with most things in life, she had to roll the dice and hope for the best.

She looked at herself in the mirror. It was a dress she rarely wore, mostly because it was hugging her curves in exactly the right places and that made her somewhat self-conscious. This time, however, it seemed to do the trick. Instead of making her feel self-conscious like every other time before, Rene realized that she felt beautiful, she realized it was perfectly fine to feel good in one’s skin.

Then, it hit her. This feeling of self-satisfaction had nothing to do with the dress and it had everything to do with the way Hyde and Jesse made her feel. With them, she never felt out of place, she never felt like she could be better, more beautiful. To them, she was perfect, and they made sure to show her that every single time. Whether it was unexpected flowers, romantic candle-lit dinners or just words of affection, they never failed to show her how much she meant to them.

That was probably why today would be so difficult. Today was the day she would take them to meet her mother. Naturally, she wanted it all to go smoothly, but that had very little to do with her. Her mother was sometimes feeling almost like her old self, and at others, she was someone completely different. That was why it was becoming increasingly hard for Rene to go visit her on her own and she was hoping that if she had them by her side, she might not feel so down.
