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Casey called the waitress over and ordered a round of martinis. “We’ve changed our minds. Can you take these away,” she said, waving her hand at our drinks.

“I guess Rex hasn’t taken too kindly to my blocking him on my phone and Instagram. He’s such a child.”

Dani leaned in and hugged me. “We’re here for you. I expect Rex is on your mind anyway, with tomorrow being what it is. But let’s not talk about him. Tell us what else is bothering you.”

“I’m so crap at this ‘love’ stuff, I don’t think I even want to marry myself. Hunter’s gone completely weird.” My emotions were raw, and suddenly, Rex’s intrusion on top of Hunter’s odd behavior brought me close to tears. I stared at the ceiling for a couple of beats, wishing the martinis were here already. “Hunter had my luggage packed up and sent over to the hotel.”

“What!” Dani and Casey exclaimed in unison.

I managed to nod, and hold my shit together while the waitress delivered our drinks. I snagged the cocktail stick with olives and pulled the three of them into my mouth at once. Chewing worked better than staring at the ceiling to stop myself falling into an emotional bridal heap. I swallowed the olives and took a massive gulp of my drink.

“God, that’s better. Where was I? Right…there’s a massive storm due tonight and they’re diverting flights. I know Hunter and Matt aren’t going to make it here for my ceremony tomorrow. I feel like calling it off. Why don’t we just celebrate Christmas and I’ll delete my Instagram account and disappear.”

Dani’s hand shot into the air. “Stop. You’re not canceling anything. If you cancel, Rex wins. I want you to think about that.”

“She’s right,” Casey added. “Rex is trying to spook you. Don’t let him influence this.”

“He’s not. Well, he can’t be. Not on the Hunter side of things. Unless…” That’s what’s really making me sad. I thought I had something good happening with Hunter, but he’s gone dark on me. First he insisted I stay here at the hotel last night. Now he’s made that permanent by sending my luggage over.”

“That’s actually rather sweet,” Casey said. “He knows you’re stuck here without your clothes and he’s kindly had them packed up and delivered. He probably thinks you’d much rather stay here than be back at the house alone. I think he’s being thoughtful.”

I put my hand over my mouth and looked at Dani, who was nodding in agreement. Was my self-esteem really that low that I was immediately reading the worst-case scenario into this? “I’m such a fool. I hope you’re right. But…he’s gone completely silent on me.”

Casey reached for my hand. “You said he had trouble at work and it’s my guess Hunter’s played that down so that you won’t worry. Listen, girlfriend, we all witnessed the way he looks at you. And you can’t deny you disappeared for a quickie with him the other night when you said you were going to the bathroom. That guy is crazy about you.”

“Do you think so?”

“Yes, we do,” Dani said. “And we’re jealous. Plus he’s probably getting his ear chewed out by Matt, if he’s told him about the two of you. It doesn’t matter that Hunter and Matt are best friends, you know how protective Matt is about you?”

“Hunter and Rex being cousins probably doesn’t help either,” Casey added.

“You’re right. I’m sad those two are going to miss my ceremony, though.”

“Pfft, you’ll be fine. I’ve asked for a Christmas Miracle and I’ve been so virtuous this year, I’m sure it will be granted,” Dani said. “Your two favorite men will get through this storm. Right now, the airlines have summoned Rudolf down from the North Pole to guide them.”

“And Santa to fly the plane?”

“You bet.” Dani grinned.

I wished I had their confidence. But what I did know was that no matter how much my heart ached, I was grateful to have two amazing friends to support me.

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