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"Long story short, we were enjoying our Sunday afternoon when you and Kage announced Zane was in trouble and rushed over to the tower where we found some initiation thing going on. A brawl broke out and Huntly's younger brother, Silver, showed up. He tried to blast you guys off the tower but you used a spell to blind him. We thought it was over but Sliver sent a blast at you before we could intervene and you knocked into the tower wall which broke and fell," Brax summarized.

"So why am I here and not dead?" I wondered.

Don't get me wrong, I was damn happy to be alive but how did I survive, to begin with?

Maximus stepped forward.

"Nixon jumped over and caught you and used a teleportation spell mid-air. He teleported you close enough to Ms. Landsford and the other adults, laying you on the ground before you began to have a seizure."

"Oh," I replied.

That's not bad...I guess?

"Then why did you say I died?"

"Because you did," Nixon whispered.

I turned to look into his eyes. He looked really tired and had black circles under his eyes.

"Your seizure was longer than expected and you stopped breathing. We had to resuscitate you before putting you on a ventilator for a few days before you were able to breathe on your own."

OH...well, ya that sounds pretty bad.

Kage placed a hand on my shoulder.

"But you started to breathe again without any help and your mana returned back to full strength. It's like your magic worked double to try and heal you and it did."

"Plus your mother and Logan's mother were here non-stop. We just forced them to go home recently because they literally weren't sleeping," Braxton added.

"Wow. long exactly have I been out for?" I questioned.

"Two weeks," Nixon replied with a frown.

"Two...weeks?! I guess I failed exams then," I whispered, feeling rather sad about it, my head hanging low.

Logan walked back over to my side, slipping his hand into mine and squeezed gently.

"You've been excused. The headmaster found out what happened and since your grades were already high to begin with, all the professors agreed you wouldn't need to take the exam to move forward. You also received an award for bravery and selflessness. You'll receive it when school starts back up again at the welcome back assembly where the headmaster herself will do a speech and introduce new rules regarding bullying at Brighten Magic Academy."

I gawked at him, my eyes slowly looking at the others who all smiled with a prideful expression.

"That sounds rather cool. Gabriel would be happy," I whispered.

I finally ended the cycle.

Kage looked over his shoulder, staring at the white curtain that was pulled halfway open.

"Zane dummy. Come out already. Jewel isn't mad,” he called out.

"I wasn't hiding or anything,” he replied, shuffling quietly to the end of the bed.

He bowed his head before I could speak. "I'm sorry, Jewel. It's kind of hard to explain and I don't want to explain everything to you until you’re feeling better, but I'm terribly sorry for hurting you. All of you guys too."

I could hear the agony in his voice, trembling as if he'd burst into tears at any moment.

Brax sighed, slapping his back.

"We forgive your temporary idiocy. Lift your head, brother."

He did as Brax commanded, his green eyes full of regret as they met mine.

He stood there quietly, waiting for my response.

Though my heart clenched with a deep ache, I realized there was one major problem.

"Who are you?"
