Page 71 of Anagram

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Everett is much quicker than me. His fingers wrap around my bicep, his grip tightening as he spins me back around. Before I can protest, he’s slamming me up against the wall. With both of my hands pinned to the wall, he lowers his face to mine.

I’m so turned on by all this I have to clench my thighs together to stave off the tingling. “Maybe,” I breathe into his face, “I’ll tell Reagan about this little scenario. I’m sure she’d love to hear about this.”

“One word to Terry about Reagan, or to Reagan about this, and I’ll finish you. Do you hear me?” he grinds out, his jaw pulsing with anger.

I stare back at him, a smirk tugging at my mouth.

Everett is so focused on getting me to hear his apparent threat that he doesn’t seem to hear the door open, but I do. Rolling my head to the side, I glance at the doorway and smile when I see Reagan in the doorway. Knowing this is my one chance, maybe my only chance, I push forward. “Too late.” My lips are on Everett’s before he can even argue.

“Everett?” Her voice breaks. As I stare at her I can see the hurt in her eyes. The pain that this is causing her.

I almost feel triumphant. I couldn’t have planned this better if I tried.



Once I’m parked, I grab both coffees and walk through the main door, telling the receptionist who I’m here to see, and she lets me keep going. Pressing the button on the wall, I call the elevator just as I hear my name being called. I turn and smile when I see Everett’s assistant.

“Hey, Joy. How are you?”

“I’m great, thank you. I assume you’re here to see Mr. Brooks.”

“I am. Is he available?” I ask politely, smiling. I love Joy. She’s been nice to me ever since I first met her.

“As far as I know, yes. I just picked up some lunch for him, and I know he didn’t have any lunch meetings.”

“Oh good. I didn’t call him, so I was kind of coming here on the off chance that he’d be free.” The elevator arrives and we step inside together.

She leans in and smirks. “I think we both know he’d make time for you, Ms. Quinn.”

“Please call me Reagan. I hate the formality out of the office.”

“Of course, if you insist.” She smiles back. “Although he seems to be a popular man with your office today…”

I feel my eyebrows pull together at her cryptic statement. No one from Hicks has contacted him as far as I know. But then it seems I don’t know a lot these days. I don’t understand anything anymore. She waves a hand in front of me, still smiling.

Coming to a stop, the elevator doors slide open and we walk out together, going into her office. “Go on inside, Reagan. I’ll bring his lunch in, in just a minute.”

I start to walk to Everett’s door, but Joy’s statement about him being popular gnaws at me. “Joy, what did you mean about Mr. Brooks being popular with my office?” Why would Margie call Everett? I need to know.

“Oh, your assistant has called a couple of times today. Go on in, honey.”

As I approach the door, I hear voices.

I place my hand on my stomach to will away the sudden case of nerves I seem to be having.

Rather than knocking, I open the door.

The scene before me has my stomach bottoming out. Everett is standing in front of a woman, her hands pinned to the wall. Her mouth against his. My heart is beating so hard it’s like it’s going to break out of my chest.

The blonde looks at me. That smug grin has me wanting to punch her.

“Everett?” I call out. My voice is thick with emotion as my hands shake. My hold loosens on the coffee cups and they drop to the floor.

He looks to the side, his body jerking away from her.

My eyes cloud over with tears. It feels like a thick fog has settled over them. My breaths get heavier as the fog turns into black spots. I’m spiralling. I need to get out of here.

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