Page 7 of Anagram

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She shuffles in her seat uncomfortably, but I put that down to nerves. I smile at her, hopefully calming her enough to go on. She puts her hands in her lap and stills for a second before launching into her history.

“Well. I’m an only child. I lost my parents in an airplane crash two years ago. So it’s just me now.”

Now I know why she looked uncomfortable.

“I’m sorry for your loss.” A tight smile tugs at my lips.

“Thank you.” Her expression barely changes and keeps her eyes on me.

“So, if I needed you to work until say, eight p.m., would you be okay with that? This position isn’t quite a nine to five like the others in the office. I’d need you to stay late if we have an evening meeting.”

“I’m fine with that, Ms. Quinn. I understand the rules of the business. I know as your personal assistant I have to be available to you at all hours of the day.”

“If I need something done, I expect it right away, I don’t expect excuses. This is a very important business, and mistakes won’t be tolerated.”

“I understand, Ms. Quinn.”She holds my stare, which is something not many in this office can do.

“So, what do you know about Hicks Life Solutions?”

“I know they do mainly experimental drugs for cancer and other terminal illnesses.”

“I can see you’ve done your homework; I’m impressed.” My cell phone rings from inside my bag, but I ignore it, wanting to know more about the petite woman in front of me. The one who, surprisingly, seems to be winning me over.

“If I were to offer you the job, how soon could you start?”

Her brown eyes widen a little but she once again schools her features. “Right away. I’m actually out of work at the moment anyway. I’ve been doing some agency work, secretarial, so I’m available as soon as I’m needed.”

Eyeing her and her paperwork once more, I think, fuck it. She’s more than won me over qualification wise, and what she doesn’t know I can teach her. “Ms. Campbell, I’d like to offer you the job. Can you start tomorrow at seven thirty a.m.?”

“Wow. Of course, um, thank you so much. I’d be honored to work here for you Ms. Quinn.”

“I’ll get the contract drawn up over the next couple of days, but I need you here ASAP.”

“Is there anything I need to bring tomorrow?”

“Just your social security card, driver license, and your bank details.”

“I can do that.” She picks up her overly large bag and tucks a stray lock of dark hair behind her ear before straightening her clothing. She shoulders her bag and stands up straight, reaching her hand out to me. I take it in a firm grip and shake.

“See you tomorrow.” Turning on her heel, she goes to the door before turning back to me. “Thank you for this chance, Ms. Quinn, I won’t let you down, I promise.”

I smile, watching her leave my office. Once Steven has seen her out and she’s disappeared from view he goes back to his office down the hall.

I grab Margie’s folder and make the short walk to his office and place my new hire’s folder on his desk. “I’ve hired Ms. Campbell, so you can get started on setting up her desk. She starts tomorrow morning at seven thirty.”

“Of course, ma’am.”

I return to my office and start packing up for the day. I pile all my shit inside my bag, place my phone on top, and head out. I stop by Steven’s desk to make sure everything is ready for Margie to start tomorrow, and he assures me it is. Steven is probably the only other person in this place I actually trust. I would have asked him to be my assistant, but he was happy in HR. I say good night to him and head to the elevator. When the doors part, I step inside and lean back against the wall and travel the thirty-four floors to the lobby.

The elevator comes to a standstill and the doors part again.

The only sound in the large lobby is the click of my heels as they come into contact with the marble floor. Saying good night to Barney, the concierge, I head for the parking lot.

Time to call it a day. At least I now have a PA. She was definitely a surprise; now it’s time to see if she’s really as good as her references say.



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