Page 66 of Anagram

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Reagan groans again. “Oh yes, Ev, fuck me. I need you so much.” I don’t have to be told twice, ever.

I pound into her over and over again until we’re both ready to fly over that cliff. My lips mold to hers and my tongue plunges into her hot mouth. I kiss her like I never have before. It’s hot, heavy, and desperate. Our teeth clash as my thrusts get quicker and harder.

“Are you ready, Rae?”

“Fuck yeah.”

Gripping her hips, I drive into her until we’re both shouting through our climaxes. My legs shake from the aftershocks after coming so hard and Rae drops her forehead to mine. Her heartbeat thunders against mine as we begin to come down from our high.



Everett carefully pulls out of me and guides my feet to the floor. My legs are so shaky I’m not sure I can walk.

“You will actually be the death of me I think.” He laughs, the deep tone resonating through me as his forehead rests on mine.

“What a way to go though.”

“You think?” he asks, grinning.

“I know.” I hang onto him for a bit longer. I’m not ready to loosen my hold yet. “I think you may have to carry me; I don’t think my legs work.”

“Hang on.” He lifts me back up and carries me back to the counter, placing me on a stool.


Nodding, I don’t take my gaze from him as I stare into those beautiful green eyes. I’m not sure if it’s the right time to tell him I love him. At least, I think I do. I’m not sure whether he’d even want to hear that. He’s not a long-term kind of guy. I guess I’ll just suck it up and keep it to myself for now. With everything that’s been going on lately, Everett has become my constant.

“What is it?” Everett asks out of the blue.

I frown, not sure what he’s talking about. “What’s what?”

“What’s going through your head, Rae? I can almost see the cogs turning up there.”

“Nothing, I’m good.”

He’s smooths his thumbs across my cheekbones, holding my face in his hands, his lips just an inch from mine. My heart stutters like it almost forgets to beat. Our lips meet and rather than the desperate kisses we usually share, this is sweet, gentle, and almost loving. A lump develops in my throat as his tongue slides alongside mine, tangling and tousling before he nibbles my lips softly. Moisture springs to my eyes and all I know is that I can’t let him see. He’ll want to know what’s going on with me and the other shit with work. I haven’t cried since my dad died. The only person who’s seen me cry other than my family is Ruby. I’m not about to become weak in front of Everett.

He gently pulls away and looks at me. There’s no hiding my tears when he looks at me the way he is right now. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.’ I smile and make myself sound more upbeat than I am. “I think my legs are okay now, stud,” I joke, trying to distract him from the sight of me nearly crying. I slide myself from the counter, our bodies touching. “I’ll be back.”

I go to the bathroom and stand in front of the mirror to check my eyes. They’re a little glassy but that’s about it. I rub the tips of my fingers softly underneath and turn on the tap. Cupping my hand beneath the flow of water, I splash some on my face. My hands rest on the sink as I look at my reflection. My cheeks are flushed from not too long ago and my lips are red and slightly swollen from his kisses. Grabbing the towel, I dry my face off and clean myself up before heading back to Everett.

Before going into the kitchen, I stop a moment to take in the scene in front of me. Everett’s back is resting against the counter and his arms are slightly bulging as they cross against his bare chest. There are two glasses and an opened bottle of wine sitting on the island. Smiling, I walk to him, stopping just an inch away.

He passes a glass of wine to me and winks. “You okay?” His eyes narrow as he asks.

“I’m great, I told you.”

His arm hooks around my waist and he tugs me forward until I’m clashing with his hard chest. “You would tell me if something was wrong? Right?”

I nod to appease him, but a sigh leaves his lips anyway and I take a sip of my wine. He takes my glass from me and puts it back down.

“What happened at work? And what the fuck was that message about?”

“Nothing, really.” My gaze flits everywhere but to him.

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