Page 57 of Anagram

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“Tomorrow? Reagan, this needs to be dealt with immediately.”

“I know that, but tomorrow is the only day he can meet with me. I can’t make him see me right away…”

“He should. We’re a big, established company.”

“Yes, and so are they.”

“Fine. Just keep me in the loop.” I don’t win many arguments where Terry is concerned, but I feel like I’ve just won that one.

“Always,” I say, upbeat, and smile to myself.

Without a goodbye yet again, he hangs up and I sigh, putting the phone down and call Margie in.

She struts inside and sits.

“I assume you’re okay after our little collision on Saturday morning.”

“Oh, I’m fine.” A small smirk pulls at her lips before she leans forward. “I have to say, though, I can see why you keep Mr. Brooks around, that man is fit.” Staring at her, I have to find a way to stay professional, but I’m finding it hard. “I mean, he’s sexy as sin in a suit, but in those shorts, wow.”

“That’s enough about Mr. Brooks. Let’s get down to Hicks business, shall we?”

She nods, picking up her notebook and pen, and sits back.

“The Sphinx account. What do you know about it closing so suddenly? Did you have any correspondence from them on Thursday?”

Her mouth drops open, forming an O as she looks me directly in the eyes, shaking her head.

“So does that mean you don’t know anything?”

“I have no idea. When did they close it?”

“That’s the thing—they didn’t. Someone here did. At least that’s what they said. I have a meeting with them tomorrow to figure this all out. When I went home Thursday, I told you I was available on the phone and through email. It’s not often I’m sick or even have to go home. You’re my trusted assistant, Margie. I put you in charge.”

“Ms. Quinn, I swear I…I didn’t know anything.”

I stare at her. She meets my determined look. “Well, accounts are looking into it for me. If there was a system crash or something, they’ll find out.”

“I hope they do. That contract was worth a quarter of a million dollars.” Her eyes are wide as she fills me in on the contract that I nabbed myself. I can feel my anger rising, so I change the subject.

“Also, I had a call from Terry Hicks, a rather irate call. Apparently, he had no idea why I went home. Can you enlighten me?” Folding my arms across my chest I wait.

Her head shakes from side to side again. “No. I told him you weren’t well and that maybe you should go home. Maybe he didn’t hear me?”

“Maybe. Okay then, on to the next item on the agenda…”

Once we’ve gone through the jobs for the day, we run through my schedule for the day and conclude our meeting. She heads back to her office and I watch as she sets up her desk for the day. Everything has to be in its place and tidy before she does anything. With a small shake of my head and a frown lining my forehead, I get back to my emails.



Searching through my closet this morning, I make sure to dress to impress. I pull out my navy Armani skirt suit and pair it with a white silk shirt and navy Louboutins.

Everett can barely keep his hands off me, and every time he comes by, I have to bat him away. The man is insatiable. I really need to focus this morning and not have him in my head. He makes me coffee and gives me a kiss before leaving my place telling me to knock ’em dead.

That’s the idea.

I twist my hair up onto my head, as it always made me look more formal and professional. If I’m not seeing clients, I usually just pull it back into a ponytail.

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