Page 45 of Anagram

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“Yeah, I’ve heard of it. But do you think someone can really hide that much of themselves?’

“Yes. I do.” Mom nods and keeps working on dinner.

I watch as she moves around her kitchen with fluidity. Mom is in her element when she cooks. She always baked when we were younger, and still does. Her brownies are the best.

“They’re good at it too. They know exactly what they’re doing,” Mom continues. “Who is this anyway, anyone I know?”

“Oh, just someone at work.” I wave it off as insignificant. I don’t want to say too much since she’s met Margie, and I don’t want my mom to think I’m a bitch. But I swear Margie’s does things just to aggravate me. And it’s becoming more frequent. Was I reading too much into all of this? Was I being paranoid?

I watch as Mom pours the vegetables into a serving dish and holds it out to me. “Take those to the table for me, please?”

I take the dish into the dining room, placing it in the middle of the table.

When I go back into the kitchen, more dishes are waiting to be brought out. I think my mom sometimes forgets it’s only the three of us for dinner. You could feed the homeless on our leftovers. I go to take another dish, but my mom stops me, covering my hand with hers. “Is this person really bothering you, Reagan? I’ve never seen you let someone get to you like this.”

She’s right. I’ve never let anyone get into my head like this, and I don’t understand it at all.

“Yes.” I busy myself with setting the table and hoped that she wouldn’t ask me anything else.

Once the dishes were placed down, we went back to the kitchen and while she poured the gravy from the pot into a boat, mom took it out while I grabbed the plates, then went back for the water jug and glasses.

The front door shuts with a bang. I was so caught up in my own head that it makes me jump. I looked up and see Hayden strutting in. He greets mom with a kiss before taking his seat grabbing a plate. I sit down across from him and mom takes her place at the end. Once grace has been said, we dig in. All my thoughts on Margie are temporarily pushed to the back of my mind while I eat with my family.

Once dinner is over, I help Mom clean up.

Hayden comes rushing into the kitchen and kisses Mom’s cheek. He came late, barely said anything during dinner, and now he’s leaving.

“You know, Hayden, I love these family nights. I love seeing my brother—”

“I have to go. I’m meeting someone. Love you, Mom. Thanks for dinner, your roast will always be the best.” Hayden rushes from the room and is out of the door quicker than lightning.

“He’s over Penny finally,” I say to Mom, smiling.

Once the dishwasher is filled and the kitchen is clean again, I make us coffee and we sit down together.

“So, is there anything you want to tell me, like about a man…?”

I roll my eyes but decide it’s time I tell her. “Everett and I have been seeing each other for a few months now.”

“Okay. What’s he like and when do I meet him?”

So many things run through my mind, but seeing as I’m talking to Mom, I need to choose my words carefully. “He’s good looking and he’s the CEO owner of another pharmaceutical business.” Mom raises her eyebrows and grins. “You’ll meet him soon. I promise.”

“That’ll be nice.” She sits forward and places a hand on my knee. “I know you’re a big boss woman, but to me you’re my baby, and I just want you happy. And so, would your father.”

I feel a lump form in my throat at the mention of my dad. I was the epitome of a daddy’s girl. And in this moment, I realize just how much I actually miss him.



After tossing and turning most of the night, I give up on trying to get any sleep and get out of bed. I’m not sure what kept me awake and restless for so long, but something was playing on my mind. The only thing I could think of was mine and Mom’s conversation. I quickly shower and then make my way to work. It’s 6:30 by the time I get here, and it suddenly crosses my mind that I didn’t hear from Everett when I got home last night. I was expecting to after he had his meeting with Terry, but then I also thought I’d hear from my boss. It was either nothing to do with work or they were conspiring against me. If it did have something to do with the business, though, I thought it would involve me too. Obviously not.

As I’m sorting through my emails and drinking my first cup of coffee, movement outside the office catches my attention. I walk to the door wondering who’s around this early when I see a blonde walking into the office. I pull the door open wide. “Excuse me, can I help you with something?” The woman in the business suit and heels turns around and my mouth drops open on a gasp. “Margie! Oh my god, I didn’t even realize it was you.”

She giggles, but it’s more like a cackle, and it annoys the hell out of me. “Oh, Reagan, that’s fine. Do you like?” she asks, stroking her hand down the iron straight, bleach blonde tresses, and sinks her teeth into her bottom lip.

“Um, yeah, it looks….” I hesitate, I’m looking for the right word, “…nice. Why blonde?”

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