Page 31 of Anagram

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Pulling into the parking lot of the building, I park and locked my car before heading upstairs.

When I arrive on our floor and walk through the office, I find Margie already at her desk, on her cell phone.

“Morning, Margie.”

Her head shoots up and a large smile is plastered to her face. I’m not sure if it’s from shock at seeing me arrive after her or that I’d caught her on her cell phone.

“Oh, morning, Ms. Quinn.”

I smile and unlock my office before going in and putting down my purse. The door between us opens and Margie steps inside with a cup.

“Here you go.”

“Thank you.” I raise an eyebrow as she sets it down. “I figured you’d want this seeing as you’re a little late today.”

“Late?” I feel my eyebrow lift higher.

“It’s almost seven forty-five. You’re usually here before me. But it’s okay, I know how tired you were yesterday. I hope you slept well.”

“Soundly, thank you.” I frowned a little and took a sip of what was already my third cup of coffee and prepared to ask her about Everett. “Speaking of yesterday, I spoke with Everett last night.” Margie kept a neutral look on her face. I’m sure she’s wondering what’s really going on with us, but she has a good way of not showing it. “He said he called yesterday. I know I was busy, but he said I was too busy to take his call?” I pose it as a question, not wanting her to think she’s done something wrong. Technically, I was too busy.

She cocks her head on an exhale and smiles. “Yes. You just had so much going on, and I didn’t think you should have any extra stress. I did tell him I’d pass the message on, but I got so consumed in my work I totally forgot. I’m sorry. I promise it’ll never happen again.”

I gave her a tight-lipped smile. “Okay. I know you meant well, Margie, but you can’t make that decision unless I’ve told you that I’m not to be disturbed. Do you understand?”

“Of course. It won’t happen again.” The color in her cheeks begins to rise and I knew then she was embarrassed.

“Please see that it doesn’t. I could’ve missed out on a really important client.”

“Well, I just thought that, seeing as it was only Everett, it would be okay.”

My eyebrows hit my hairline. “That’s Mr. Brooks to you, Margie. And Mr. Brooks is a very important man. You need to remember that.”

“You’re so right.” Her hands cover her smouldering red cheeks as she gasps. “I’m so sorry. It won’t happen again.”

With a nod I watch her walk back into her office, then turn on my computer.

Margie did a fantastic job here, but I can’t have her becoming blasé with names. If ever she called someone by their first name on the phone, especially a client or another CEO, my head would be on the block.

The rest of the day went on without a hitch. Margie did everything I asked, practically falling over herself to get everything right. I felt a little bad because Margie and I had seemed to bond a little, but this is business, and business comes first—it’s the most important thing.

I look through the glass separating us and see that yet again she is on her cell. I obviously hadn’t found her enough work to do today. I’m not sure why this annoyed me today. Maybe it was her nonchalant attitude this morning, she hadn’t been like that at all since I’d hired her.

I gather some files for her and go into her part of the office. “Is everything okay, Margie? You seem a little distracted today.” I ask.

She drops her cell on the desk, making a hell of a sound in the quiet office. I hope she’ll talk to me. I’m not that much of a dragon that I can’t see when someone is having problems.

“No, Ms. Quinn. I’m good.”

“Alright. Could you sort these out for me? I need them back on my desk by the end of the day.”

“Of course.” She smiles but doesn’t make eye contact, keeping her gaze on her computer screen.

“Okay, well, as long as you’re alright. I’ll be leaving by five today.”

“Are you seeing Ev—Mr. Brooks?”

“No,” I answer sharply. I don’t understand why she’s so interested in Everett and me, and I don’t like it.Something just doesn’t feel right. I need to get out of the office for a while.

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