Page 24 of Anagram

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Saturday usually consists of spending time with Mom. We shop to our heart’s content and eat out. Even though I am absolutely exhausted from the concert, I would never cancel on Mom.

My phone vibrates on my nightstand and I reach over to see who it is. I smile when I catch sight of Ruby’s name and open the message: I have Halestorm blasting out of my car windows. Lord help the salon today, it’s all they’re going to hear. Thank you for coming last night. It was such a blast. Love you.

Eyeing the time in the corner of my screen, I see it’s already eight thirty. I really should be getting up. I’m usually at mom’s house by nine.If I don’t get my lazy ass out of this bed, I’m going to be late.

Putting my cell down, I drop my feet to the floor and pad through to the kitchen, putting on a pot of coffee. I leave it to brew while I take a quick shower, hoping it will wake me up.

Seeing as it’s so hot outside, I dress in a pair of jean shorts that sit high up my thigh and throw on a camisole. I keep my makeup natural, a little mascara on my lashes and some nude gloss over my lips, before pulling my hair back off my face and sliding a clip into it. Once I’ve sprayed on some deodorant, I go back to the kitchen and pour myself some coffee. I can’t eat breakfast when I first get up, so I guess I’ll end up grabbing some brunch. Once I’ve drunk my coffee, I grab my sunglasses and my bag and leave the apartment.

Driving through the small town of Hasbrouck Heights brings my whole childhood flooding back. The tree lined roads, the pretty suburban houses set away from the sidewalks with their wraparound porches. It was quaint.

I pull into Mom’s driveway at 9:30, cut the engine, and head inside. Not bad considering I didn’t wake up until an hour ago.

“Reagan, is that you?”

I follow the sound of her voice through to the kitchen.

“Yes, it’s me.” I didn’t need to hear her voice; the smell of her cooking was enough. “Do I smell bacon and eggs?” Why is a mother’s cooking always better than anyone else’s?

“Good timing,” Mom says as I walk through the door. She’s just turning away from the stove with the pan in her hands. With a smile of contentment, I kiss her cheek and sit down. She puts the bacon and eggs on a plate and places it in front of me.

“It smells so good. I was getting a little hungry.”

She takes a seat across from me and pulls her plate to her. “Well, when you weren’t here at nine like you usually are, I thought I’d cook you some breakfast.”

“You’re the best.” I get up and grab two cups of freshly made coffee from the pot, then sit back down and dig into my breakfast.

While mom goes off to get herself ready, I pour myself another coffee from the machine in the kitchen and go and sit by the sliding patio door, letting the breeze blow in and keep me cool.

Mom comes back into the room in a light and floral summer dress. “Have you had your fix of coffee now?” Mom smiles and starts filling up her purse with her necessary items… wallet, cell, and keys.

“I have, thank you,” I say, and stand. “Are you ready?”

“Yep. Let’s go hit the city.”

I lead the way through the house, grabbing my purse and pulling it onto my shoulder, and head out of the front door, mom following closely behind. The sun is beating down on me, burning the top of my head. She walks out not long after and she pulls the door behind her, locking up. Sliding my sunglasses down from the top of my head, I’m ready for the short walk to the bus stop.

The first thing we do is hit the flea markets. Mom loves little trinkets. It’s something she and Dad used to share. She picked up a couple of small keepsakes to place on the mantel as a remembrance for Dad and I managed to grab some costume jewellery. I know I can afford more, but you don’t forget where you came from, and before I stepped into Louboutins, it was flea markets that I shopped at a lot. Especially in college. Ruby and I used to hit markets all the time. We bagged some great bargains.

As we’re walking through the Chelsea Flea Market, I see the back of someone familiar. While Mom is looking at some new bedding, I tell her I’ll be just a minute and step away.

“Margie?” I touch her arm lightly to get her attention. I didn’t want to startle her, but I seem to anyway as she jumps a little before her head snaps my way. When her eyes meet mine and she realizes it’s me, she smiles.

“Oh, Reagan. I’m sorry, I didn’t see you. I was in my own little world.”

“It’s fine. Grabbing yourself a bargain?”

“Just some new clothes, mainly for work.”

“Very nice. I love a flea market,” I admit to her. From the corner of my eye I see my mom approach. “Oh, hey, Mom. This is Margie. She’s my new assistant.”

“Hello, dear. How is it working for the dragon?” My mouth hangs open at Mom’s comment. I don’t know if I’m shocked or insulted.

“Gee, thanks, Mom.”

“Oh, she’s really nice really, Mrs. Quinn.”

“I’m sure she’s paid you to say that.”

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