Page 21 of Anagram

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“What? I’m sorry, I mean, excuse me?”

“Do you like concerts?” I repeat.

“Well, yes, who doesn’t?”

“Good. Because we’re going to one on Friday night.”

“Us? I don’t understand.” She’s obviously so used to doing things for herself that something like this has knocked the wind from her.

“Yes, Margie, us. You, Ruby, and I are going to see Halestorm at…wait for it…” Her eyes are wide as she waits, but I think that’s from the suspense of it all, not excitement. “Madison Square Garden.”

Her hands cover her cheeks and her eyes widen. “Wow, really?”

“Yes. So, Friday we are finishing at lunchtime. We’re meeting at six, not sure where yet, and then going to the concert. Are you alright with that?’

“Um, of course I am.”

“It means more work for you though. I’ll need you to reschedule all of Friday afternoon’s appointments to tomorrow. Can you do that?”

“Yes, of course. I’ll get on it now,” she says with a smile that is so big it makes me happy too. With a little skip in her step, she heads for the door, pulls it open, and pauses before turning to look back over her shoulder. “Thank you.” Her voice is so small I nearly miss it, but I smile and nod, letting her know I’ve heard her. She closes the door behind her, I take my cell back out to send a message to Ruby.

I knew that finishing by lunchtime was going to be a stretch, but we managed to be finished by two p.m. It still left us with four hours to get ourselves ready for the concert. Margie and I walked out of the office together, throwing the staff into a tizzy. They were whispering amongst themselves, the odd nudge of an elbow and a wink to the person next to them. They’re not used to seeing me get along with my staff, but Margie is different, and I really don’t give a shit what they think.

Margie looks around us, obviously worried, her shyness getting the better of her and. She doesn’t have my thick skin. She blushes and dips her chin, looking at the floor until we reach the elevator. I stab at the button and wait for it to arrive. The doors open and we step on at the same time, sneaking a glance at each other, before we travel to the parking lot. “Do you want a ride?” I hate to think about her riding the bus when I can drive her.

“She waves off my offer. “Oh, no. But thank you. The bus is due soon,” she says looking at her watch.

“I really don’t mind.”

“No, I’d hate for you to go out of your way and take me back when the bus is perfectly fine.”

“Well, okay, then. We’re meeting in Carters at six. I’ll probably be there before then so if you’re early, just give me a call.”

She smiles and fishes some earphones from her purse, plugging them into her cell. “Great. See you soon.” She waves and then puts the buds into her ears, turning away and heading for the exit.

Once I’m showered, I sit with my towel wrapped around me and dry my hair before giving it an edgy look, sharpening the layers that Ruby cut into my hair around my face with the flat iron. Next is my makeup. Smokey eyes and red lipstick is a must. I put on black ripped jeans and my favorite band tee, the one with Halestorm plastered across the chest, the neck stretched so it hangs off one shoulder, then grab my leather jacket. The signature heels will have to stay in the closet tonight; there’s no way I’m standing for the next few hours in five- or six-inch heels. Grabbing my Converse, I slip my feet in and I’m ready to rock.

Taking my debit card and some cash from my wallet, I slide those and my cell into my back pockets and head out of the apartment.



Getting out of the cab outside Carter’s bar I look around to see if either of the girls are there, when I don’t see them, I go inside and grab us a table in the corner facing the door so I can see when they arrive. Carters is a typical New York tavern—high tables, stools lining the outside of the bar, and every kind of spirit you could think of. This is more Ruby’s type of place than mine. I don’t think I’d fit in dressed in a suit and six-inch heels here. No this is definitely a jeans and tee kind of bar. A waitress comes over almost as soon as I sit my ass on the stool and takes my order. I order a beer for myself and tell her I’m waiting on my friends. She spins her tray on her fingers and, with a smile, she turns away, strutting back over to the bar.

My cell vibrates against my ass and I pull it out. It’s probably Ruby or Margie letting me know how long they’re going to be. Instead, when I look at the screen, I see it’s Everett.

Hey sexy, want to blow off some steam?

The server comes back, putting a napkin on the table before setting down a bottled beer. “Just give me a holler when your friends arrive.”

I nod, thanking her, and text Everett back: You know I’d love to, but I already have a date…with Halestorm. They’re playing at Madison Square Garden.

His message comes back right away: You like Halestorm? I didn’t think you were the type to like rock, Rae.

I glance up and see a very sexy Ruby standing at the door, looking around. I get up and go to her, throwing my arms around my bestie when I reach her. Her red hair has been left to hang down her back and her eyes are made up darker than mine, black liner around her green eyes, making them pop. She looks amazing in leather pants and a tight corset style top. She returns my embrace and I lead her to the table. The cute server comes back and takes Ruby’s order while I quickly message Everett back. Well, then you don’t know me that well, do you? I love Halestorm.

“Sorry, babe.” Locking my phone, I slide it back in my pocket and turn my attention to Ruby.

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