Page 18 of Anagram

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Once she leaves, I turn my computer on, get my desk set up, and pull the other chair around to my side for Margie and wait.

The soft smile on her face when she comes back softens me a little. “Why don’t you come and sit here? I’ve got some things to show you.” Putting both cups down on coasters on my glass desk, she sits beside me and I pull up some accounts.

The rest of the afternoon goes quickly. I decided to bring Margie in on some of the pharmaceutical business, using some of the smaller accounts as examples of what we do here. She’s a really good student and takes everything in that I’ve shown her. She has a notepad beside her where she writes down important information, and I’m actually impressed. That never happens.

I catch her glancing up at the clock on the wall and drumming her fingers on the desk. “Is there somewhere you need to be, Margie?”

“Oh, no, it’s fine…” She focuses on the computer, and I look at the time myself. It’s already five o’clock. After sorting out my schedule so I could get my hair done, the least I could do is let her go early.

“You sure? You look a little nervous.”

Her body slumps as she sighs. “I’m supposed to be going on a date. I’m sorry. I know I said I’d be here at your disposal, but tonight was the only night he was available,” she rushes out in one breath.

“A date, huh? What’s his name?”

“Hudson. He’s a couple of years older than me.”

“Well, what are you waiting for? Get out of here.”

“Are you sure, Ms. Quinn?”

“I’m sure. Who am I to stand in the way of love?”

The nervousness leaves her face and she smiles. “Thank you. I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”

“Go.” I shoo her from the office and smile to myself, remembering when a date used to be exciting. Not that Everett isn’t exciting, because he is. He’s fucking hot, I just wish he’d make some kind of commitment to me.

She pops her head into my office, smiling. “Maybe if everything goes alright tonight, and we decide on a second date, I’ll go to your friend’s salon and get my hair done. A change is as good as a rest.”

“Yes, you should. I can let Ruby know for you and she’ll give you the princess treatment. Especially if she knows it’s for a date.”

“That would be amazing.”

I have to chuckle at her enthusiasm, but I’m sure she should be leaving right now. I know she has to get the bus home. “Um, Margie, what time is your date?”

“Seven.” The excitement in her voice is evident. I glance at the clock and she follows my gaze, gasping. “Crap.”

“It’s okay. Now go.”

Pulling her bag onto her shoulder, she nods and gives me a small wave, closing the door behind her and jogging through the office, saying bye to the other employees. I shake my head at her bubbliness and laugh to myself.

Seeing as it’s Friday, I decide to pack up and leave work early. I’ve done the last couple of things I could do after Margie left to go on her date and I’m pretty much just spinning on my chair wasting time. I grab my bag and, once both doors to my office have been locked, I head for the elevator.

The good thing about leaving work after six, the New York rush hour traffic has settled down and I can get home in no time. As I reach the parking lot, my phone chimes. I switch off the engine and grab my phone. Everett has sent me a text: Put on one of those sexy dresses that you own, I’m taking you out. I’ve got a business dinner.

I quickly type out a reply: I literally just got home…

He responds: You’d better hurry, then. I’m picking you up at 6:45.

Son of a bitch!

It’s 6:15. How can I get ready in thirty minutes?

I step out of my car with my bag and phone and press the fob on my keys to lock my car before making my way up to my apartment.

Once I’ve found one of my favorite dresses, I lay it out on the bed and head for the shower.


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