Page 10 of Anagram

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Everett’s eyes widen and he smirks. “Is that good Rae?”

“Good? No. It’s amazing.”

The conversation dies down between us as we eat the fabulous food of The Mayflower.

“So tell me, why are they incompetent?” He folds his arms onto the table and waits patiently, fixing his green eyes on me.

“All they had to do was find me five people with the qualifications to be a decent assistant.” I take a sip of water, letting the ice settle against my lips.

“Not everyone can be a perfectionist like you.”

“Why not?” I ask, my eyes widening. “I don’t ask for a lot, Ev. And anyway, why shouldn’t I be? You’re a perfectionist.”

“I am.”

“I’ve worked hard to get where I am. I demand perfection. If they can’t give me that, they’re working in the wrong place.”

“You should’ve taken me up on my offer and worked for me. We could have been an unstoppable team.”

I smirk. “You just wanted me to work for you so you could order me around.”

“Having you at my beck and call may have entered my mind, I’ll admit it.” He reaches across the table and takes my hand. “You know I love being in charge.” With a smirk playing on his lips, he winks at me and ignites every nerve ending below my waist. I try to ignore the flames that are beginning to engulf my core and get back to our conversation.

Everett doesn’t take his cool green eyes from me, knowing exactly what he’s caused.

I clear my throat and take another sip of water. “I have an assistant now.”

“And what’s she like?”

My gaze stays fixed on Everett’s handsome face as I think of a fitting description. “Plain, reserved, but has great qualifications and experience, and so far, she’s doing a good job. From what I’ve seen today, she’s hardworking, sincere, and listens to what she’s being told. It’s early, but she seems really good.”

Everett goes up for seconds, but I go to the best place here, the dessert table. I grab a spoonful of marshmallows and head for the chocolate fountain and knowing there’s no limit on what you can have, I have some cheesecake too.

Taking my seat, I dig in, groaning at the smooth, velvety chocolate on my tongue. I look up and see Everett tucking into his egg roll, I smile at him around my forkful of cheesecake.

“You know, sugar, if you keep groaning like that, you’re going to make me feel inferior and think I can’t satisfy my girl.”

Picking up a marshmallow dipped in chocolate I sink my teeth into the fluffy sweet and smile.

“Maybe we should take the rest of the day off and I can take back my manhood.”

I swallow what’s in my mouth before I answer. “I told you already, I can’t, as much as I’d love that option. It’s Margie’s first day. What kind of boss would I be if I didn’t go back after lunch?”

“Fine, if you must. I’ll just have to keep those visions in my head for next time.”

Smiling, I pick up my glass and gulp down my water. I look at the time and realize it’s getting late. Everett calls a waiter for the bill.

When we return to my office block, Everett pulls into the parking lot and turns off the engine. I release my seatbelt, twisting my body to face him. “Thank you for lunch, it was amazing.”

“My pleasure, sugar.” Lifting my hand to his mouth, he kisses my knuckles tenderly while smoothing his other hand over my cheek and pulling me to him before connecting our lips. It’s times like this when I wish he’d commit. He can be so soft and tender but he’s like an animal at other times. Not that I mind, I love how he controls me. He can play my body like a well-tuned instrument and I have no way of stopping him. Our mouths move in sync, while our tongues tangle together, tasting, and his is a flavor I’ll never get enough of. I tug him closer to me by the lapels of his blazer, deepening our kiss. I swallow Everett’s groans and his tongue delves that little bit further before he’s pulling back and breaking our kiss.

“That should keep me going for the rest of the day,” Everett says huskily, swiping his fingers across my lips.

Taking my lipstick from my bag, I lean up to look in the rearview mirror to apply a fresh coat.

“You know that lipstick would look much better staining the base of my cock,” Everett whispers, his hot breath blowing in my ear, causing a wetness to pool in my underwear.

With his fingers clutching my chin, he slowly turns my head to look at him, his lips once again just a mere breath from mine.

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