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The man was stone-cold sober and also looked utterly bewildered. And he had, surprisingly, not requested a lawyer, at least not yet.

Decker had confirmed this with the marshals, and then with Davidson himself.

As he settled in across from Davidson, Decker couldn’t help feeling sorry for the man. He was either innocent or the most hapless murderer Decker had come across. And he had confronted some real doozies.

“They…they tell me my gun killed two people,” he began.

“Ballistics matched, yeah,” said Decker. “It’s why you were arrested.”

“I didn’t kill them. I didn’t even know them.”

“Well, one of them was in your ex’s house. He was killed at the same time she was,” pointed out White.

“And Ididn’tkill Julia,” Davidson snapped.

Decker said, “How did you end up in her house last night?”

“We have a key in case Tyler needed to get in. I went in the rear door because there was a funny lock on the front door.”

“A police lock,” said White. “So same door that was left open by the killer.”

“I didn’t kill anyone!”

“Okay, but why wereyouthere?” asked Decker.

“With a gun,” added White.

Davidson sunk his face into his hands. “I was drunk. I was…out of my head. I guess I just…missed her.”

“Why’d you take the gun?” asked Decker. “Why would you need it?”

Davidson shrugged and didn’t answer.

“You put the muzzle against your cheek. I was afraid you were going to pull the trigger and that would’ve been the end of you.”

Davidson again didn’t reply. He rubbed at his shackled wrists.

White said, “Some might see your wanting to kill yourself as a guilty conscience.”

Davidson shook his head but remained silent.

Decker said, “Tyler mentioned that your car’s security pass had expired?”

Davidson glanced up. “What? No, it hadn’t. It’s on auto renewal.”

“Then why not just come in through the gate?”

Davidson looked confused and troubled by the question. “I…I don’t remember.”

“Tyler intimated that you had previously cut through the golf course parking lot on foot to avoid the gate. Why do that, Barry? You must have had a reason to go to all that trouble.”

Davidson’s features were now guarded. “Idon’tremember.”

“Did you make a habit of going over to her house, tocheckon things?” asked Decker.

Davidson glared at him. “You meanspy, don’t you? You think I was stalking her?”

“I think you hadn’t gotten over the divorce. My partner here feels the same.”
