Page 31 of Sultry Oblivion

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She lifted her chin, eyes watering. Bridger and Jax faced us, and she turned to look at each of them in turn.

When she turned back to me, her face was murderous, her eyes filled with grief. “Guess this is goodbye.”

She grabbed her bass and stormed out.

“Fucking harsh,” Bridger muttered.

I gripped my nape. “She wasn’t listening.”

“Not you, man,” he said, surprising me. “Her. I would have dealt. But now she’s out, and it’s going to be hell to get a new gig.”

I frowned. “Why’s that?”

“Because she’s going to tell lies about you, and Bridge and I are going to come down like a ton of bricks,” Jax said. He tipped his head toward Hugh. “You on this shit?”

Hugh nodded, his phone to his ear.

“Lucky we got him. So much better than the drug-dealing last asshole,” Jax muttered.

“Hugh here keeps us on task and eliminates dissent in the ranks. He gave us a heads up about this potential showdown,” Bridger said.

I flashed Hugh a grateful look. He lifted his chin.

“I guess I should have done that. It’s just… I thought you liked her.”

“Before she went psycho,” Jax said. “Over you.” He cackled. “Better write a song about it so we can get something out of her years with us.”

“And before she decided to trash on your girl. That shit don’t fly.” Bridger tilted his head. “When do we get to meet her?”

I couldn’t help but smile. “Soon.”

“Sweet,” Jax said. “From what Cam said, she’s smart and funny.”

“But can she play video games?” Bridger asked. “It’s no fun kicking your asses anymore.”

Relief that my bandmates were willing to accept Aya flooded me. Now, all I had to do was get her to agree to my plan.



I strode toward the barn at the ranch. On the way over, the reality that my band no longer had a bassist had begun to eat at me a little. When I entered the barn, there was Aya’s cute ass peeking out of one of the stalls. While Cam had plenty of help, Aya had begun to care for some of the horses.

I needed her. “Ay.”

She whirled around, the smile on her lips falling as she saw my face. “What’s wrong?”

I clutched her and buried my head in the waves of hair that tumbled down the side of her neck. She wrapped her arms around me, and I inhaled her shampoo, as well as the light scent of perspiration, hay, and horse.

“I fired Tatum today.”


“She laid into me about how I’d been leading her on, and how I was an asshole to do that, and that you had to go for the integrity of the band.”

She tensed more with each of my words, yet I kept vomiting them.

“She’s going to go to the press with some sob story. Hugh is trying to get in front of it, but I don’t know what she’s going to say, and I’m worried about you since this is all on top of your dad’s bullshit…”

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