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When I think of him and the way he looked at me the last time I saw him, my gut twists in knots. As I tell myself I’m okay and I’m safe, I get the feeling someone is watching me. I stop on the sidewalk and look around, but I don’t see anything. The wind changes direction and a smell hits me—it’s like the best day of fall, the woods, and crisp apples. My knees turn to mush, but I force myself to keep moving.

No one is watching me. Why would they other than to get a look at the new girl? I’m okay with it considering I am.

I’ve heard about the history of the town and when everything went down at the party a few years ago, those who weren’t changed left. I think it’s kind of shitty people let their fear make their decisions. At the same time, their exodus is what leaves the spot where the old café was open for me to find.

I guess it’s a good thing in the long run.

When I get into Lucky Beans it looks like there’s no one behind the counter at first, until I look closer to see the metal mesh apron and gloves Roan has on. The first day I came in to find a busy place, but didn’t notice anyone working, I was confused. I figured out pretty quickly that Roan, the owner, is invisible and how the metal mesh helps him to run his business.

My heart goes out to him, it must be a difficult existence to not only not feel seen, but toactuallynot be seen. I smile in the direction of the counter and watch in fascination as he grabs a cup. Even with the metal glove he’s wearing, it looks like it’s floating in the air.

“Want your regular, Dakota?”

I grin wider as I get to the counter, happy to be known enough already that he knows what I want. It makes me feel all warm and settled in a way I’m not used to. It feels like I’ve spent a long time looking over my shoulder, but I don’t need to do that here.

“Thanks, Roan, sounds perfect.” He turns away from me to make my mocha and I find myself studying the apron he’s wearing. It’s only mildly strange at this point, though strange is kind of the norm in Screaming Woods. My voice is bright, “How’s it going today?”

“It’s a good day for some coffee,” I can almost hear the smirk in his voice as he chuckles.

“Every day is a good day for coffee,” I fire right back at him.

“True enough.” The sound of his voice changes, as if he’s looking at me, “How’s the shop coming?”

“Great,” I chirp. “I’ll be up and running in a few weeks. If you know of anyone looking for a job, please send them my way.”

The cup lands on the counter in front of me as he promises, “I’ll do that.”

After paying, I give a little wave, and weave back through Lucky Beans. I get a few nods or smiles of acknowledgement from some of the patrons in the coffee shop before I’m out the door again. I needed a little break, but I also don’t want to stay away from Paws Up for too long.

Gunnar, the blacksmith and owner of Hot Steel, is making a sign for the shop and should be delivering it today or tomorrow. I don’t want to miss him. I can’t wait to see what he came up with.

The hair on the back of my neck stands on end again and I stop in front of Paws Up and look around. This is so fucking strange. It’s the same feeling I got yesterday when I was coming out of my house and locked eyes with a man who I can only describe as a wolfman. He was still the hottest man I’ve ever seen, and I could barely tear my eyes away from his glowing yellow ones.

I wanted to run to him, but I held myself back and then he was gone.

Something inside of me is pulling at me and I’m powerless against it. My feet are moving down the street and away from my shop without even realizing it. What the fuck?

An urgency fills me and it’s the same thing I felt when I was looking into places to move and came across Screaming Woods. I need to find out where this leads me, and I can’t rest until I do. It’s so odd, but, strangely, comforting at the same time.

It’s like when you’re standing on the edge of a bridge, right about to step out over nothing, but with the bridge underneath you there’s no denying you’re safe. It’s a damn good thing I’m not afraid of heights. I’m afraid of being hurt and being alone for the rest of my life but taking this chance and following my instincts feels right.

When I get to the end of the block, I turn the corner and slam into a wall, which is strange. There shouldn’t be a wall here at all. I turned the corner; I didn’t walk into the building. I don’t think.

A low growl has me snapping my head up to look into green eyes swirling with yellow. I’m powerless against those eyes, my brain turning sluggish as fire and desire I’ve never experienced before engulfs my body.

“Fuck,” he grunts, and I blink up at him before looking him over.

He’s tall, really tall. He must be almost a foot or more taller than my 5’6”. His shoulders are broad, and I want to grab ahold of them. I bet he gives the best damn hugs ever. The parts of his arms which are exposed underneath his t-shirt are covered in hair. When his lip curls up into a snarl, I see a canine.

A fucking canine.

My pussy floods with moisture and my eyes widen with the realization that I’m reacting to him. I take a deep breath in the attempt to calm myself down when I’m hit with the same scent that I was earlier—forest and apples.

“It’s you,” I whisper. “You’re what smells so damn good.”

I know I sound like I’ve lost it, but I don’t even care right now.

“You should watch where you’re going,” his voice is a gruff rasp as if he doesn’t use it often.

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