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“You remembered that?”

“It’s one of the things I’ll never understand about you. There’s a lot of great toppings out there and you like vegetables?”

“It’s the crunch," Violet said, grabbing a slice. “You didn’t have to get vegetable though.”

“Do you think I would get your pizza you didn’t like for your winning reward?”

“It’s free pizza. It’s all good.”

“Nope. You won. You get what you want.”

Violet blushed. Admittedly, it was exactly what she wanted. After a moment, she asked, “Aren’t you going to have some?”

“This is your pizza.”

“Yeah, but you’ll need all the energy you can get or the next game. I want to kick your ass fair and square. Unless you can’t eat a vegetable pizza of course.”

Charlie laughed but grabbed a slice for himself.

Once they had eaten, they started another game. They were neck and neck up until the end of it, and Charlie barely edged her out of a victory by two points.

“Ha!” He said. “Redemption!”

“No, this is a tie!”

“But I won by two points instead of one.”

“Only because you started loudly singing to the music on the last pin!” Violet said back. There was no heat to either of their comments, and Violet felt more relaxed than she had in a long time. It felt like she was back in college before any of the fighting hard started. Charlie was a guy she had a lot in common with.

Violet didn’t know she could feel this way.

“It was a well-earned win," Charlie said. “Want to play again?”

Violet flexed her wrist, wincing. “Can we do a raincheck? I think my wrist is sore from having to make those sentence cards on top of this.”

Charlie sobered immediately. “Wait, I didn’t know your wrist hurt.”

Violet smiled, unsure what to do with the attention.

“It only started there at the end. I’m fine. I promise.”

“Still, if you weren’t having fun…”

Violet rolled her eyes. “I had loads of fun. I need to give it a rest. It’ll be fine! We can even go do arcade games if you want.”

“I do like a good arcade game," Charlie said, “Though I think you owe me a pizza.”

“Are you even hungry?” Violet asked. “We ate all of the last pizza thirty minutes ago.”

“Can I cash it in for ice cream?”

“I think I can make that work,” she told him, smiling as they walked over to the food bar.

After he had his ice cream, Violet dragged him to the arcade where they got a few coins to play with.

Charlie found a full coin stacking game and got lost in it. Violet watched him with oddly focused interest. He took his time to come up with the perfect angles to get more coins out of the machines. She didn’t know how he was managing to figure out all the angles he played in his head, but she liked watching him do it.

After, she dragged him to play some of the shooting games with her, where they both made a pathetic attempt at beating the displayed high score.
