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The next day, as she was getting ready to go bowling, Violet wondered if maybe this had been a bad idea.

It was one thing to be in Charlie’s home with him. Their arguments were confined to the same four walls. No one else could hear them but being out in public meant if they lost it, people would know.

There was a reason Violet and Charlie never came to the same events. Their arguments drew eyes.

Violet was more nervous for this than she was for a date because she knew this would have huge implications. What if they were destined to be enemies forever? Could she have fun with Charlie in any capacity?

Violet had been standing in front of her measly collection of clothes for longer than she would admit. She was worried they would mess it up, and worried about what to wear.

All her current clothes fit into a cheap duffel bag she had gotten at a Ross. She had work dresses, a few cheap leggings, and the few things that had been in her car when her apartment collapsed.

And none of it was going to work for tonight.

Eventually, she settled on leggings and a lighter blue shirt that she sometimes wore under dresses. She also grabbed the one-night coat she owned, a black peacoat. Her heart was racing, but she knew Charlie was getting ready, and she didn’t want to piss him off by taking forever to get dressed.

They were also riding together. Charlie had made a good point that there was no reason for them both to drive, so he offered. But now, Violet was wondering if that had been a mistake.

If they did fight, they would have to sit in a car together for the ride back, which could easily lead to murder.

But she was going to try it. Even now, when she looked at him, she didn’t feel the anger she used to. Somehow, deep in her brain, she had accepted that he didn’t make the comments. What once simmered below the surface of her skin, was now … well, she wasn’t sure what.

That’s what tonight was for.

Violet took a deep breath and met Charlie in his living room. He was wearing a sweater layered over a t-shirt, and jeans, looking casual but nice at the same time.

He looked good. More than good. Maybe even hot.

Could she say that now?

“Are you ready?” She asked, instead thinking about it any harder. .

Charlie turned to her, and then did a double take. “Are you wearing leggings?”

Violet could feel her face heat as she looked down. “Uh, yes? They’re comfortable and I wanted to be able to move for bowling. Should I change?”

“No! I’m so used to you in dresses when you’re out.”

“Yeah, but it’s probably a bad idea to wear a dress while bowling. The last thing I want is to lean down and show you my underwear.”

Violet had a split second to wonder if she had said something weird, but then Charlie laughed, and she relaxed.

“Besides,” she said, laughing awkwardly, “sometimes I want to look a little less like a dorky teacher and a little more like I’m in my twenties.”

Charlie glanced at her again, his eyes lingering. She had noticed him doing that over the last two days. What was he thinking? Was he still feeling bad about the paper? Was he thinking about when they were friends and didn’t argue all the time? She didn’t know, and she hated that she didn’t.

She also hated that she liked it. His eyes weren’t hurt anymore. The attention was purely attention. It didn’t come with a fight.

And a deep, dark part of Violet had always loved getting Charlie’s attention.

“Let’s head out,” he said, turning away.

Violet nodded, following Charlie out to his car. She expected to be jealous at how nice it was compared to her older car, but all she felt was nervous excitement over actually being in the same car as Charlie Davis.

There was something so intimate about a late-night drive with someone. And this someone was Charlie.

She stole glances at him out of the corner of her eye, noticing how good he looked when he drove. The car was quiet, and traffic in the city was busy. Charlie was a good driver, with a perfect mix of safety and speed to get them to their destination.

If this was a date, he’d be checking all her boxes.
