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She internally begged for their delicate peace treaty to stay.

“Sorry," Violet said, laughing awkwardly. “I, uh, didn’t want to assume.”

Oh, he was never going to let her live this down.

“No!” Charlie said. “Don’t blame yourself. I should have been clearer that you’re welcome to use the kitchen, the dining room - whatever you need.”

“Okay," Violet said, trying not to let the relief into her voice. “When I came to stay, you seemed pretty set on not seeing me so I wanted to-“

“I never said I didn’t want to see you.”

“Well … Lewis said you liked your space, and you don’t exactly like me. So, I tried to make it like I wasn’t here.”

She could hear it now. “Yeah, but you’re here either way. I can’t help but notice you when you constantly bother me,” is what he’d say, and then the argument would start from there.

“I do like my space, but you’re also allowed to exist. When I said you could stay here, I figured you would need the kitchen at least.”

“It’s still your kitchen.”

“No, it’s yours too. Seriously, use it for whatever you need.”

“Okay, uh… I can get some stuff then. Maybe microwave meals? Those don’t take up a lot of space, so-“

“Do you like microwave meals?” Charlie asked her pointedly.

Violet sighed. “No, I hate them.”

“Okay,” Charlie said. “I want you to use the kitchen for what you like. Not what takes up the least amount of space. You can take up whatever space you need. Take up more, if you want. Whatever makes you happy.”

Violet’s mouth shut so tight it hurt her jaw. She didn’t know what to say to that. She didn’t even know how to do that. But she was so, so tired of being invisible. She’d grown out of practice since her teen years.

“Sorry,” Violet said. “I know I’m reacting weirdly.”

“There’s nothing to apologize for. I’ve known for years you’re better at helping others than getting help for yourself.”

“How did you know that?”

“I’m not blind. You help Liv with everything. I’ve never heard it be returned though.”

“She got me a basket of supplies when my apartment collapsed.”

“I don’t think that’s the same as helping her plan her entire wedding.”

“I didn’t plan the whole thing.”

“You did most of it.”

“Okay … maybe you’re right about all of it. Please don’t make fun of it, okay?”

“I wasn’t going to.”

“Okay,” Violet said, nodding. “Thank you. I guess I’m afraid you’ll say something mean and we’ll spiral.”

“I’m working on that. I don’t even want to after everything we’ve learned.”

“I don’t either.”

“And about this kitchen thing, if I ever made you feel like you’re a burden-“
