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The words hurt. They always did. But Violet was used to hearing them.

“I know," Violet said. “I’ll talk to you later," she added and then hung up her phone. She put her head on her desk, feeling a mixture of uncomfortable emotions churning in her chest.

Her phone pinged with a text, and Violet was sure it was her mom, but instead, it was her landlord.

Lot of damage. Foundation problems.

Violet groaned out loud. Great - more bad news. Just what she needed.



Charlie didn’t want to see Violet.

Not after her being in his bathroom while he was naked.

Ugh. She was never going to let him live it down. All he was going to hear was comments about his body the very minute she got home, and he got enough of those from Lauren.

Violet pulled in after five, and Charlie debated leaving the house entirely. She walked in with her laptop bag in hand, not even looking at him.

He closed his laptop and waited for a moment. Roo, who had been asleep next to him, perked up when she heard Violet walk in.

Roo bounded over to Violet, unaware of Charlie’s worries. Violet smiled and leaned down to pet Roo for a moment, then she saw him looking at her.

“What?” She asked.

“Let’s get this over with.”

“What do you mean?”

“You saw me naked this morning, and I know you have something to say.”

Violet’s face turned a light pink. “Um, I don’t. I’d honestly rather never speak of it again.”

“Come on, nothing about how I wasn’t flexing my abs, or how much hair I have?”

Violet looked genuinely confused. “You expect me to say something like that?”

“Kind of, yeah.”

Violet shook her head. “I may hate you, but that’s cruel. I’m not going there.”

“But you could.”

“Yeah, and then I would be more of an asshole than I already am. I’m not going to comment on your naked body. No thank you.”

“Why not? You have plenty of ammunition.”

“Actually, I don’t.” Violet shook her head. “And I don’t want to go there, so don’t ask me to explain.”

This sounded too good to be true. “What about when we fight later? Will you bring it up then?”

“No. That’s a line I’m not crossing. There’s not much you could say that would make me go there with you… unless maybe you decided to go after how I look first.”

Charlie was confused. Even Lauren had made comments on his body, and she had been his girlfriend. The rare times he and Lauren were together, she would say how she wanted him to cut back on what he ate, or how she didn’t like that he had his natural body hair.

“O… okay,” he said. “Thank you for not body shaming me.”
