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“Thank you, my friend,” I say with a smile before pushing off the couch and pacing in the center of the room.

Full of nervous energy, I check my watch, counting each minute that passes as I wait for her call.

What if she doesn’t call?

“Tell me about the new Mrs. Mackenzie,”Clayton says after a few moments of silence.

“Her name is Ava. She just graduated from college in New York and will be starting at Edinburgh University in the fall. She loves reading, her grandparents, and a good slice of pizza.”

“That’s all you learned in a seven-hour plane ride?”

“I only talked to her for the last twenty minutes. She’s afraid to fly, so I offered her my hand.”

“Not creepy at all,” Clayton mumbles.

“It’s not, is it?” I question, wondering if I’ve already scared her away before I’ve had time to get to know more about her.

I want—no, Ineed—this to work out with Ava.

“It is. But maybe she finds it endearing.”

We both chuckle before falling into a comfortable silence.

I haven’t been on a date or even looked at another woman since Rebecca died, so I have no idea what I’m doing. Hell, I could’ve sent her running in the opposite direction, but something inside tells me everything will be okay. Ava and I were meant to be together. Call it fate, love at first sight, or a healthy dose of good karma. Whatever it is, Ava will be mine. I’m sure of it.

“When do we get to meet this girl?” Clayton’s voice brings me back to the present.

“I don’t know. I don’t want to scare her off. We did just meet today,” I respond, heading toward the wet bar in the corner. “Besides, I have to wait for her to call.”

“You just told me you were going to marry this girl. And you don’t even know how to get a hold of her?”

I shake my head, trying to remain positive, but Clayton is right. A million factors go into whether Ava is going to call. She might lose the card or not have an international number. Hell, she may not even be interested. But something tells me not to worry, to just be patient and wait for her to call. It’s the voice inside my heart that I hold on to, hoping that it won’t be much longer until I hear her voice again.

“It’s in fate’s hands now,” I chuckle, knowing how ridiculous I sound to someone like Clayton.

Even though, against all odds, Pearl found her way back to him after getting married to someone else and going through a nasty divorce, he still believes that it was a one-time thing for the two of them and it’s impossible for anyone else.

“You really are a hippie.” He chuckles loudly just as there’s a loud beep through the phone.

I don’t even bother saying goodbye before clicking over to the other line. “Hello.”

I hold my breath, waiting for whoever is on the other end of the line to respond.

“Hey, it’s Ava. Care to explain why you called me ‘love’ at the airport?”

Shit. I was hoping to get through at least our first date without having to describe how I feel about her. My mind races, searching for some way to explain how much I love and cherish her so soon without scaring her and sending her running in the opposite direction.

“I can explain, but only in person.”

I take a few moments and run through my options in my mind. I could tell her exactly how I feel, about Rebecca’s dying wish, or I could take the easy way out.

I don’t know how to explain the pull I’ve felt toward her since we met. People say love at first sight isn’t possible, but that’s only because they’ve never experienced it before. I knew the moment I met Ava that she was something special. Now I just need to convince her I’m worth taking a chance on.

“Fine. It says on your business card that you’re a tour guide.”

“I am,” I respond, not wanting to give her any more information than necessary.

I send up a silent prayer that she’ll accept my vague answer. I have no desire to lay all the dirty details of my past on the table. It’s not that I’m ashamed of it; it’s just not something I can share on our first date.
