Page 9 of Destination: Paris

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The walls of her pussy clench around my fingers, signaling her need for release, as I pull my fingers from inside her and pinch her clit tightly. Her head lifts off the table as she screams while moisture squirts all over my hand and onto the floor. Her entire body trembles as I rub small circles on her clit, bringing her down from the clouds.

"What just happened?" Her eyes drop shut as I brush a silky strand of her auburn hair off her shoulder.

"You squirted." I chuckle, pulling my fingers out, shoving them in my mouth, and licking her juices from them.

Her entire body sags against the table as I bend down and pull her pants up, planting soft kisses on each one of her ass cheeks before covering them with her pants.

"As soon as I can move, I'll head back to class," she mumbles as she pushes off the table, wobbling slightly.

"Who said you were going anywhere?" I respond, gripping her hand and resting it over my cock. "I am far from finished with you, Charlotte."

"But the class…" Her voice trails off.

"Fuck the class. I'll give you your own personal session if you like."

Her hand squeezes my cock through my pants, and my eyes clench shut as fireworks go off in my body.

"You have ten minutes to decide, Charlotte."

Our gazes lock, and I see the hesitation and nerves in her eyes, but I understand all those feelings.

This is sudden and makes no sense, but I love this woman. I need her in a way I've never needed anyone or anything in my entire forty-plus years on this Earth. I know she lives an ocean away and our time together is limited, but there's no denying the pull I feel toward her. I thought what I had with Simone was love, but it pales compared to what I feel at this moment for Charlotte.

"If you don't want this, speak now or forever hold your peace," I warn her. "This is sudden and confusing, but I don't care. You're mine."

"Okay," she says with a shaky breath.

"Say the words. Because once I have you, I'm never letting you go." I pause, dropping my forehead to hers. "Is that what you want?"

"Yes," she says with a little more conviction. "I want this. I want you."

I release a breath I didn't know I was holding and kiss her forehead before lifting her over my shoulder.

She squeals loudly. "I can walk, you know."

"I'm sure you can, but I want to make it to my place as quickly as possible," I say as I wrench open the door and head for the stairs, taking them two at a time.

I’m ready to claim Charlotte as mine in every way.



Iwas in an orgasm-induced euphoria when Bryce threw me over his shoulder and stormed out of the room, but as we make our way further up the stairs, reality starts to seep in.

I came to Paris to learn from the best chef in the business, not to end up in his bed. I can only imagine what all the other chefs in the class are saying about my departure.

It's already hard enough for women to find their space in a male-driven business, and something like this will make it worse. Someone needs to put a stop to this insanity, and it's clearly not going to be Bryce. He seems to think more with the brain below his belt than the one between his ears.

"I don't think this is such a good idea." My body bounces on Bryce's shoulder as he hurries up the stairs, clearly eager to get me alone. "I don't think either of us is thinking clearly."

"I'm thinking clearly for the first time in my life," he responds.

I watch a door swing open as he goes striding inside before placing me gently on my feet. I clench my eyes closed, waiting for the world to stop spinning.

"How is this thinking clearly, Bryce?" I open my eyes and rest my hand on his cheek. "I met you less than twenty-four hours ago, and here I am, in your apartment, ready to give you my virginity."

I gasp in shock before throwing my hands over my mouth. The last thing a guy wants to hear before he sleeps with a girl is that she's a virgin.
