Page 3 of Destination: Paris

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"I never would’ve signed up to take a class with a world-renowned chef if it wasn't for her. I need to remember never to drink with the three of them again. It only ever leads to trouble."

Class? Could this angel be one of my students?

As soon as the thought enters my mind, I banish it. Although Icouldteach her an entirely different lesson tonight.

I chuckle softly as her eyes snap up to mine and widen in surprise. A delicious shade of pink runs down her neck, disappearing into the top of her dress and leaving me to wonder how far the color goes.

"Shit. I'm so sorry! You were nice enough to let me take a seat beside you and I'm telling you my entire life story."

"No worries, angel." I lick my lips, tucking a few strands of her hair behind her ear. "You can tell me anything."

She turns toward me, and I stop breathing. It's as if our entire future plays out before my eyes. The white picket fence, a stupid dog that I'll complain about owning but secretly be in love with. My angel round with our child. Everything. I can see it all, as if it's destined to happen.

"My name is Charlotte," she whimpers.

Electricity sizzles between us as she leans toward me. I scan her face, trying to commit every detail to memory: the color of her eyes, the way a few strands of her hair fall into her face. But neither of us makes a move. It’s as if we’re in our own world and nothing else exists but the two of us.

"Bryce," I grunt, brushing my thumb across her bottom lip as I lean forward, my eyes focused on hers. “I’m going to kiss you now.”

The need to claim her lips is almost overwhelming as I lean forward and brush my lips against hers.

Electricity zips through my body as an unknown force pulls us closer together.

"This is a bad idea," she mumbles against my mouth before nibbling on my bottom lip and running her tongue along it, begging for entrance.

"A terrible idea." I groan before threading my fingers into her hair and crashing our lips together.

She gasps in surprise as I shove my tongue into her mouth, tasting her sweetness for the first time. Every nerve feels like it’s on fire as a sense of completeness settles over me, something I've never felt for another person in my life, not even Simone. Something in the universe is telling me to hold onto this girl and never let her go.

Someone clears their throat loudly, causing us to break apart with a gasp.

"Sorry, sir. We’re going to be closing soon," the bartender says sheepishly before turning and heading down to the other end of the bar.

"Wow,” Charlotte whispers softly, brushing her fingers along her lips. “I didn’t know kisses like that could happen, especially my first one.”

“You’ve never been kissed?” I rest my forehead against hers and clench my eyes shut tightly.

My cock hardens once again at the idea this angel could be all mine, and I could ruin her for any other man.

Charlotte shakes her head before sliding off the stool and putting some much-needed distance between the two of us. "I should go."

Every muscle in my body yearns to wrap her in my arms and never let her go, but I stop myself.

"Goodbye, Charlotte."

"Goodbye, Bryce," she whispers with tears pooling in her eyes, and then she turns and hurries out of the restaurant.

"Aren't you going to follow her?" the bartender chimes in from the other end of the bar, causing me to chuckle darkly.

"She’s too perfect – too pure – for an asshole like me," I respond, picking up my glass from the bar and finishing it.

Every cell in my body yearns to claim Charlotte as my own. I need her in a way that I haven’t needed anyone in years.

But I'm not good enough for her, no matter how much I want to be.



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