Page 12 of Destination: Paris

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"It means that you came to Paris for a master class, and I plan to give you one." He sits up while his eyes hungrily roam my body. "But in between lessons, I’m going to fuck you any way I want. With whatever I want. And wherever I want.”

He raises to his knees and prowls up my body before dropping all his weight on top of me. The feeling of the tip of his cock brushing against my clit causes me to moan.

"Your mouth is mine."

He runs his hand down the side of my face and across my lips before gripping my throat - not too tight, but tight enough to cause my vision to darken around the edges.

The thought of giving him this type of control should frighten me, but it makes me feel alive for the first time in my life. I want to experience things I've only ever imagined, with him holding the reins.

"Your pussy is mine." He chuckles darkly as he thrusts his hips forward.

The tip of his cock slides between my folds, causing me to moan before he brands me with his lips. We break apart with a gasp, and his eyes are almost black.

"You're mine, Charlotte. All of you. I just have one question to ask you."

I lick my suddenly dry lips and swallow. "What's that?"

"Are you ready for round two?"



"What the fuck?" I growl as I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. "Where the fuck did I leave that thing?"

I unwrap myself from around Charlotte and feel around on the bedside table before the light turns on, filling the room with a warm glow while blinding me in the process.

"Son of a bitch," I grumble as I finally find my phone.

I squint slightly, seeing Giselle's number flash across the screen.

"Do you have any idea how early it is?" I question by way of greeting, swinging my legs over the side of the bed and padding toward the floor-to-ceiling windows in my bedroom overlooking the city.

"You have blackout curtains, jackass." The sound of her heels clicking along the floor echoes through the phone. "It's almost one in the afternoon."

"Is everything ready for this evening?" I pinch the bridge of my nose, panicking over Charlotte's departure.

The master class was supposed to have started two weeks ago, and should’ve ended yesterday, if I had taught it. I'm sure I owe Giselle and Gabriel a vacation to a private island for all the overtime they've been putting in to make sure the few students that stayed are happy. I'm going to be kissing a lot of asses once I figure out a way to keep Charlotte in France with me.

"Yes, everything is ready," Giselle sighs. "The kitchen has everything you need for your special lesson this afternoon. And you have a reservation at Jules Verne for dinner."

I shake my head, peeking over my shoulder to make sure Charlotte is still sleeping. I've known Giselle for years. She's like that one family member who always has something to say.

"Out with it. I know you have something to say. You always do."

"I do, but what's the point if it falls on deaf ears?"

"I'll always hear you, my friend. But that doesn't mean I'll listen to your advice," I chuckle, waiting patiently for her to decide to tell me.

I'm sure she's been dying to comment on my relationship with Charlotte. She probably wants to give me a warning to stay away from her and say things are going too fast, or that I’ll end up brokenhearted again.

"Are you sure?" Her voice softens slightly. "You hardly know the girl."

I shake my head, going over all the tidbits of information I've learned about Charlotte since I locked us away in my condo. She graduated at the top of her class in the culinary arts program at her school. Her parents own a small family restaurant in Queens, New York, and she's expected to work in their kitchen after she returns home. She hates that idea and wants to open her own bakery instead.

She likes to slide her feet between my legs when we sleep, and she'd rather spend the day in bed than do anything productive. All these things are just the tip of the iceberg, but I have our entire lives to learn more.

"After what happened with Simone?"

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