Page 11 of Bred for Them

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Bobby grins at me. “He looks hard, but he’s a huge softy.” He turns his attention to his husband. “We’ll just stop it before it gets sad. You can pretend they all live happily ever after.”

“Love triangles are for selfish men,” Jameson grumps.

“How so?” I laugh, genuinely baffled.

His eyes rove over me, their icy blue raking my skin like hot coals. “If they both love her so much, why would they make her choose?”

“You can’t just expect them to share her…”

“Why not?” Bobby asks from my other side, picking up a container of fruit. He hands it to me, passing a fork to me and Jameson.

“I… I don’t know. It’s just not… Doesn’t it seem like it would get complicated? Messy?” I stumble over the words, because even as they tumble out of my mouth, I know what a hypocrite I am. If I could, I would absolutely be the cream filling between their cookies, damn the consequences.

“People are so afraid of messy,” Jameson comments casually, stabbing a strawberry from the container in my lap. He reaches around me, feeding the berry to Bobby.

I watch the intimate exchange, pinned between two walls of solid muscle. The way Bobby’s lips close around the red fruit makes my stomach flutter. He licks a drop of the juice from his lips, his eyes full of heat.

“I happen to like messy,” Bobby adds. His voice is completely at odds with his expression. It’s as light and airy as if he was taking a walk in the park and talking about the weather, but the way he watches Jameson… that’s straight foreplay.

I squirm in my seat, trying to focus on the movie, anything to get my focus off of the two of them. If this goes on much longer, I’m going to slip off the sofa, my panties slicked up like a slip n slide. That, or I’ll spontaneously combust due to pent up sexual frustration. Either way, it won’t be pretty.



Hailey stares at the tv, carefully keeping her face expressionless. But between the two of us, she shifts in her seat, subtly pressing her thighs together. Jameson leans back, stretching and giving me a wink.

We worked out a semblance of a plan on our way home, but it was bare bones. Get cozy with Hailey and see if we can tease the admission out of her. We both figured that was a better course of action than shoving the phone in her face like I did to Jameson.

I can freely admit that wasn’t exactly smooth, but after stumbling across the news article and reading it twenty or thirty times, I still couldn’t believe it. Not until Jameson had seen it too. “What about you?” I ask Hailey.

She licks her lips and glances at me in her periphery. “What about me?”

“Messy.” Jameson adds in his deep timbre. God, I love his voice. The single word sends a shiver up my spine and, next to me, Hailey gives an identical shiver. Her anxious fingers scrunch and twist the skirt of her sundress, leaving the fabric rumpled as it creeps up her thigh.

“I usually avoid it…” she trails off, an unspoken ‘but’ hanging in the air.

“… but there has to be a point where it would be worth it, right?” I ask. Hailey bites her lip, chewing at the plump flesh.

Jameson rumbles from her other side. “If you wanted something bad enough…” She’s trembling, her eyes unfocused as she stares at the TV. A soft flush spreads over her skin, staining her cheeks and neck.

“If you fantasized about it long enough…”

“Even if you think it would be unrealistic…”

Hailey sets the fruit on the coffee table, getting to her feet and wringing her hands. “Okay! I get it. You saw the Reddit post.” She covers her face with both hands.

“I mean, big surprise. The entire world saw it. I’m so sorry. Iknowthis was a big fuck up. I never should have written any of that down. I definitely shouldn’t have felt ordoneany of it. I—I should go.”

Hailey’s hands drop to her sides, twisting fistfuls of her skirt as she turns to go. I’m on my feet in a heartbeat, but Jameson is up even faster. He hooks an arm around her waist, halting her progress.

“Who said you should leave?” He asks, leaning over her shoulder and speaking low in her ear.

“I’m sorry—I just assumed—”

“You know what happens when you assume, right?” I ask, coming to stand in front of her. I wouldn’t force her to stay, but I don’t intend to make it easy for her either. Hailey closes her eyes, a pained expression pinching her features in a way that makes my chest burn.

“I make an ass out of you and me?” She laughs miserably.

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