Page 51 of Traded to the Mafia

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I choose violence every time.

As I approach the front gate, several guards move in place to guard it. One large asshole opens it and steps out, holding an automatic weapon in his hands.

Ooooh, scary.

I chuckle to myself as I stop the car and open the door.

I climb out of the vehicle and shut the door. I walk around to the front, leaning back against the hood.

“Well, well, well… Jose not here himself?” I ask. I will never refer to him as a Don. He commands no respect from me.

“You made a mistake coming here tonight to save your girlfriend,” the big guy says. “You’ve come to your death, as ordered by Don Jose Catalan of the Catalan family. Soon to be the ruling family in New York.”

I smack my leg. “Well, jeez, if you had told me that before, I would have worn a suit. Ruling family, huh? See, Sorvinos don’t like little threats like that. This is our territory. Now I’m going to give you ten minutes to collect your men, pack up whatever supplies you want to take, and exit this warehouse.”

I look at my watch. “Failure to do so will result in your death and the death of all men in this facility, whoever they’re affiliated to.”

The guards all laugh. “You think one man can take us?”

I shake my head. “Just a side note,” I say, ignoring his comment, “If you have hurt Sofia Lopez in any way, even if you do leave, I’ll hunt you down and kill you with my bare hands.”

I look between the guards and pause, pointing to one. “You’re one of the fuckers that jumped me. You’re definitely going to die tonight.”

The guards laugh again, and the big guy steps forward. “You can die inside or out here. Make your choice.”

“So you’re choosing death?” I nod a little. “Admirable.”

Suddenly, the big guy's head all but explodes as he’s taken out with a high-powered rifle. The men raise their weapons in my direction, but my men come out of various hiding places along the fence and other warehouses and start shooting at them, so they’re distracted. As I walk toward the gate, I have a handgun in each hand, taking out most of the men I’d been talking to myself.

One or two think to fire at me, but Carmine quickly guns them down on the high-powered rifle.

I walk through the gate, and several of my men follow, then spread out. They take out every Catalan soldier they encounter.

I walk toward the main warehouse and kick the door open. Two shots hit me in the bulletproof vest, and my cracked ribs scream in pain, but I bottle it. Now is not the time.

I shoot the asshole who fired at me, and a few of my men come in behind me and start to search the rooms.

A door to my left opens, and I whip around with my gun, but I’m facing Sofia. We stare at each other as bullets fly around us. I hold my hand out to her, and she drops the weapon she’s holding and takes it. She’s just wearing her bra, and I growl. “Who did this to you?”

She shakes her head. “They just beat me and ripped my clothes. Can we get out of here?”

I gingerly take off my jacket and wrap her in it, leading her back toward the armored car. One or two men try and stop us, but Carmine is a great shot. Sofia keeps huddled against me, at least as much as she can, and I open the passenger door to let her in.

I walk around to the driver's side and climb in. I turn the car on, throw it in reverse, and floor it.

Before we know it, we’re driving through New York toward Alessandro’s house.

“You need a doctor. Alessandro has a personal one on standby,” I explain. “You say they just beat you?”

“They threatened to rape me, but that’s as far as it got. I managed to goad the guard, attack him, and get away. I was hiding, waiting for you to come to get me.”

“You knew I would,” I say. It’s not a question.

“There was never any doubt,” she says, her voice cracking. “I’m so tired and sore.” I can hear the tears in her voice, and it tears my soul to shreds.

“Rest. Cry. Do what you need to because you’re safe, and I’m not going to let anyone get to you again. I don’t care what it takes.”

Sofia curls up, facing me. “I know you’ll protect me. Thank you, Dominic.”

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