Page 44 of Traded to the Mafia

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“Hey,” I pout. “Squirrels are adorable and shouldn’t die just because people can’t drive.”

He chuckles. “Yup, Arianna said something along those lines too. Come on, Princess, let’s get you home.”

Chapter 27 - Dominic

I won’t lie. It was fun driving around aimlessly through the park with Sofia. Her happiness got under my skin and made me happy as well. She has an infectious laugh, and I feel like I want to make her that happy every day.

And that’s how I know I have a problem.

Maybe Alessandro is right, and I should step away from my position in the family until I can get my emotions under control because I can’t stop thinking about her.

As I walk through New York City, going from one business to the next, checking how things are going, my mind is constantly pulled back to her smile.

I enter La Club and head to the office. Carmine is there with Arianna and Katya. “Afternoon,” I say.

“Dominic,” Katya says.

“Hello, brother,” Arianna says with a naughty grin. “How are you?”

I roll my eyes. “I’m fine, Ari. How are you?”

“I’m fine. How’s Sofia?”

Katya glances at me, and I try to keep my face expressionless. “If you want to know, why don’t you call her? She has a cellphone now.”

“I think I will,” my sister says before Katya nudges her. “Can we get this finished?”

I nod to Carmine, who nods back to me, and I sit down. “So, what’s the problem?”

“One of the bartenders is skimming off the top. We think they might also go to the police if we threaten them,” Katya says. “So we need to skip threatening them and politely remove them from the equation.”

“Do we have concrete proof this is what’s happening?” I ask, and the three of them stare at me.

Katya is the first to speak, “Since when do you care if there’s a concrete proof?”

I shake my head. “I’m just curious.”

“Since when are you curious?” Arianna asks, narrowing her eyes.

I clear my throat. “Forget I mentioned anything.”

“His name is Ricardo,” Katya says. “Frankie hired him last year, but the bouncers say he’s been acting sketchy lately and talking to other bartenders about ratting us out to the cops.”

“Carmine can handle Ricardo,” I say. “I’ll get ahead of the situation and meet with our detectives downtown.”

“Have you got any other stops after this, or will you go straight there?” Katya asks.

“Straight there,” I answer. “Wait, why is Arianna even here? Since when does Alessandro allow her to be involved.”

“She has excellent business sense and is just looking after a few things while Frankie is on the run,” Katya says. “Nothing sketchy, just the business side.”

I nod. I don’t like my baby sister being involved in family business, but I know I can’t overrule Alessandro.

Katya gives me another strange look before she stands. “I have to get back home. I have a lot to sort out. Call me if there are any complications.”

I nod and take out my phone. “Carmine, sort out this Ricardo. Make sure he leaves New York and knows he’s a dead man if he comes back.” I search through my phone book and dial Detective Everett.

“Everett,” he answers.

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