Page 98 of In the Dark

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Rhys’s hand stops circling my back; of course, he’s caught on that she knew about my interaction with Nate. Before he can come to more false conclusions, I mumble, "She was there."

Denielle adds, "It was after Lilly’s session with Spence the other day. The two were beating the shit out of each other. The entire gym was watching. He caught up with her when she was on her way to me. He complimented her on the fight."

"That’s it?" Rhys doesn’t seem convinced. Why is he acting this way? He behaves like I’m the biggest flirt ever. I haven’t had one serious relationship at seventeen, for crying out loud. The thought makes the wall I assumed was gone snap into place inside of me.

"That’s it." I refuse to justify myself any more on this.

Denielle has taken the phone from me and moves to the third picture. Flipping it toward the room, she addresses Rhys, "What about this one?"

He exhales slowly, and his breath tickles my neck. "She’s still trying topersuademe to start our arrangement back up."

Rhys’s hand is circling my back again, and I pull away slightly to get a better look at him. He is omitting something. I’m sure he’s telling the truth. I can definitely see Katherine trying to convince him, but there is more, and he is not sharing that with us—with me.

Den seems to have the same suspicion, because she presses, "What exactly did she say?"

There is a brief pause, his eyebrows pull together, and he averts his eyes downward for a fraction of a second. The entire change in demeanor is over before it starts, but that’s all I need as confirmation that he is hiding something from me. The wall grows taller.

"She’s been talking about prom. We had plans. She wants to keep her image up."

Both Denielle and Wes narrow their eyes at him. Seeing Wes unconvinced makes the breath catch in my chest.

"Let’s talk about the fact that the freak was at school earlier." Wes diverts the topic, and there is now a line drawn between Rhys and the rest of us. He just lied to us.

"This picture could have been taken from anywhere as long as he has the appropriate lens. He doesn’t have to be too close if he has a clear line of sight, and there isn’t anything blocking the view to the school’s west entrance apart from a few trees." Denielle and I are both in the same journalism class, but she knows more about photography than I do. Her aunt owns a photography studio, and Den helps out every once in a while.

"That does not make the situation any better," I grumble.

"I’m sorry, babe. I’m just providing the facts here."

I look at my best friend. "I know." She’s right, and I’m grateful that she’s not sugarcoating it. I don’t think I could handle that right now.

Rhys has been quiet during the exchange, and the rubbing of my back has stopped.

"I want you to tell Mom and Dad."

My head whips around. "NO!"

Rhys speaks quietly, almost detached. "It’s getting too dangerous. They need to know."

My heartbeat increases. I know he’s right, but the thought of them knowing makes bile rise in my throat. "I’m not ready."

"Cal, we don’t have a choice anymore. This guy made it clear with these pictures that he is everywhere. That he can get to youeverywhere."

"He’s right," Denielle says softly, and Wes nods as well.


"Okay." It’s just a whisper. I can’t bring myself to raise my voice above that. "But we wait until Tristen gets back."

That gives me forty-eight hours.

"Fine," Rhys concedes.

The air is thick, and I can’t take it anymore. Untangling myself from Rhys, I say, "I’m heading home."

"I’ll come with." Rhys stands to follow, but something inside me cringes at the thought. For the first time since the night he revealed the secrets to me, I don’t want Rhys anywhere near me. I don’t know if it’s because he is keeping something from me or if I need to process everything on my own.

"No, it’s okay. I, uh...I think I need to be alone for a bit. Mom and Natty will be home." I walk out without a second glance. I feel three sets of eyes trained on my back and pick up my pace.

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