Page 27 of In the Dark

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Lilly taps her finger against her lips, and once again, I ogle her like a cheeseburger while I’m on my strict-as-fuck, wrestling-season nutrition plan.

God, why does she keep doing that?

"I’m not sure yet. Probably part of the truth?"

I arch an eyebrow, waiting for her to continue.

"You and I have to go to California, and I’ll fill her in on everything when we get back. I’m just not ready yet."

"And you think she’ll be cool with that?" I’m skeptical. Denielle Keller hates my guts.

"Yes, she’s my best friend,andshe trusts me."

I sit up. "Okay then, let’s give it a try."

Chapter Twelve

Once Rhys goes to bed,I text Denielle to ask if she wants to go Christmas shopping in the morning. As expected, she’s still up and immediately replies:Um, duh! :-P

We meet Sunday morning,and Den drags me from one store to the next. Four hours later, she has thirteen shopping bags.Thirteen! I glance down to my hands—two. A book for Natty, and the other bag is for Rhys, but Den doesn’t know that. I was getting new shin guards when I saw a set of black gel shock quick-wraps and spontaneously decided to get them for him as a Christmas present.

Since the hug, I’ve had a hard time keeping the anger barrier up. He’s not forgiven, but he is slowly breaking down my defenses. He is giving up his ski trip to help me with something that could just as well be a useless endeavor.

While I trail Den through the shops, I go through possible ways on how to broach the subject, bumping into her several times when she stops to pick something up and I’m too far in my head to notice. After the third time, she gives me the raised eyebrow, and after the fifth, she exclaims, "Really? What’s going on with you today?"

By the time we sit down for lunch, I’m a hot mess. She is my best friend, but despite what I told Rhys, I’m worried she’ll press for more information than I am willing to give.

We go to our usual lunch spot, a small sushi restaurant. We’ve just ordered, and the waitress is walking away when Den leans forward, arms on the table, and says, "Okay, I’ve waited long enough. Spill!"

Almost spitting out my water, I set the glass down slowly, avoiding direct eye contact. I love this girl to pieces. She’ll always have my back, but at the same time, she can intimidate the crap out of me.

"What do you mean?" I finally glance up from the red-and-white checkered tabletop.

She gives me adon’t-try-to-play-dumblook. "Something has been going on with you for weeks, and I want to know what it is."


Sometimes, it’s a disadvantage that she can read me so well.

"Umm...well...I did want to talk to you about something," I stammer.

Den stares blankly and waves her hand in a motion for me to continue.

I grab a napkin from the dispenser and start shredding it.

How small can I make the pieces?

I take a deep breath. "I need you to cover for me."

"I don’t follow." She squints at me.

"The ski trip over the New Year; I need you to cover for me with my parents—that I am there. With you."

Her scowl turns into a shit-eating grin. "Ohhhhh, who is the lucky guy?"

Okay, here it goes. "Rhys."

Her eyes bulge out. "Come again?"

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