Page 6 of Ice Storm

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Elli’s exclamation breaks the tension, and sight and sound return in a rush. Elli pulls Jess into a hug, and the two women launch into a conversation.

Noah and Elli have only been married for a few weeks. They met in Virginia while Noah was on vacation. It’s been a whirlwind courtship, with Elli moving to New York to be with Noah. My brother has been all work and no play for years, so it’s good to see him so happy.

“This is my husband, Noah,” Elli says, introducing him to Jessica.

“Good to meet you, at last,” Jessica says, shaking Noah’s outstretched hand. “Sorry I didn’t make it to the wedding. I got hit with a stomach virus,” she adds with a grimace.

“Nice to meet you too, Jessica,” Noah replies with a warm smile. “You’ve done a great job organizing tonight.”

“We appreciate you coming to support the charity,” Jessica says, glancing at Mack and Harmony as they finish their second number. She beams at them, clapping enthusiastically along with the rest of the guests.

She turns, and her gaze captures mine. I’m struck again by how beautiful she is. Her eyes sparkle with life. She makes me think of walks in the crisp air and sunshine glittering off freshly fallen snow. She’s everything good and joyous, and I want to immerse myself in her positive energy. I want to immerse myself inher.

Fuck, I’ve never felt anything like this.

Elli pulls Jessica’s attention away from me as they discuss the band while I try to compose myself.

Noah turns to me. “So, what do you want to do?”

For a minute, I think he’s talking about Jessica before realizing he means the shitshow that is my non-existent career. “I don’t know,” I sigh, raking a hand through my hair.

“Why don’t you come and work with me?”

My eyes snap to his, and I burst out laughing, but Noah’s gaze is steady on mine.

“You’re serious?” I ask, my mouth dropping open with shock. “You want me to stop playing altogether and become an agent? I wouldn’t even know where to begin.”

“That’s what I thought when I retired from professional hockey. But the thing is, we’re more qualified than most because we’ve lived the game. We know how it works from the grassroots level up. We know what real talent looks like. It’s not just brute strength. It’s skill and loyalty and passion. Things you have in abundance because you’re a damned good player and an even better person.”

“Jesus, steady on there, Dr. Phil. You’re gonna make me cry.” I joke to hide how much my brother’s words affect me. We’ve always been close but hearing the pride in his voice almost slays me.

Noah grins, knowing he’s got to me. “Imagine it. The Tensly brothers bringing their A game for their athletes.”

I blow out a breath, shaking my head. “But it’s your company, bro. You built it from scratch, and I’m damned proud of you and the reputation you’ve built. I can’t just slide in. I need to earn my place.”

Noah’s grin broadens. “Oh, you will. If you want in, there’s no one I’d rather have by my side and at my back. Think about it, and we’ll talk some more tomorrow. In the meantime, I’m going to dance with my beautiful wife.”

With that, he snags a startled Elli from Jessica and pulls her onto the dance floor. I watch as he tugs her close and she melts into him, love shining from her eyes as she gazes at him.

My eyes snap to Jessica, and my heart thuds as I find her looking at me.

Her dancing eyes snag mine, and electricity snaps between us like live wires. My gaze drops to her lips as her tongue darts out to wet them, and suddenly I’m overwhelmed with the need to taste her.

Another piece slides into place in my chest. I want what my brother’s got with Elli. I want that with Jessica.

I’m fucked. And I don’t care.

Chapter Five


Harrison looks like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders as he talks with Noah. I want to smooth the frown lines from his forehead, hold him close, and lighten the load he seems to be carrying.

I’ve never met anyone like Harrison Tensly. I think he claimed my heart the second I gazed into those delicious brown eyes. I’m no ravishing beauty, but I’m not bad looking. Still, I seem to attract guys—like Timothy Tithead—who think I’m up for a meaningless one-nightstand, and that’snotme.

Not that there’s anything wrong with a woman being sexually confident. I’m just . . . not. Almost twenty-two, and I’ve never done the deed. Although, I can imagine doing it with Harrison—multiple times.

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