Page 20 of Quiet Confessions

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“Before I give you this, you must understand, Patience, that I never wanted this life for you. Call me old-fashioned, but a woman, especially one as young as you, shouldn't need to have the stresses from running a company on your shoulders. But unfortunately, your father had other plans for you. Some, even I wasn’t aware of until this year.” He sits back and hands me the envelope.

My hands are shaking, and I take some deep breaths, working my way up to open it. My name is written on the outside, and I never thought I would see my father’s handwriting again. Tears fill my eyes as I open the seal and pull out a letter. It’s dated for the night I last saw my father, and I know I’m not going to keep myself composed while reading this. I clear my throat and glance up.

“Would I be able to have a minute alone to read this, please?” My grandfather stands and gives me a nod. Walking past me, he presses a kiss to my head.

“I’ll be outside, darling.” I wait until I’m alone, then start to read my father’s final words.

My sweet PJ,

I’m writing this letter to you in fear that I might be gone when you wake up. There is a lot you don’t know, and I hope you never have to know. But if you are reading this, that means three things have happened; I never came home, it’s your eighteenth birthday, and it’s now time for you to take the reins at C & P.

Well, you and Cal Reynolds, that is. If you haven’t already figured it out, C & P stands for Cal & Patience.

The minute I held you in my arms, I knew you would one day change the world. This company was never meant to be mine or Cal’s mothers success. It was meant to be your legacy. You and Cal were our inspiration.

We never expected things to turn out the way they did. Some people are just greedy and conceited. They don’t see the bigger picture, they only see dollar signs.

A noise pulls me from the letter before I can finish. I wipe my eyes, praying that my makeup isn’t running. I expect it to be my grandfather but it’s… Cal. I set the letter down and hide it under the envelope.

“What’s going on?” I blurt and Cal looks just as confused as I feel. I glance behind him looking for Nate, but he’s not there. Only my grandfather and Bella with my cherry chip cheesecake. She gives me a beaming smile and places it in the center of the table, then leaves.

My grandfather steps around Cal, and over to the table where I’m gaping. “Close your mouth, dear,” he hisses at me and I do, then chug the rest of my champagne. I wish I could have something stronger.

“Cal, how are you, son?” my grandfather says, as he steps closer and shakes his hand. I blink a few times before I remember my manners and stand. I give him a small wave and he sneers. Well, okay then. “Sit, why don’t you join us?” my grandfather tells him, but it doesn’t sound much like a suggestion. He tries to take my grandfather’s seat, but is ushered away to sit beside me.

I sit back down, and lean forward to dish out my cake, but I’m no longer hungry for it. Such a shame. Maybe I can get Bella to box it up too. I hand Cal a piece and I think I shocked him even more.

“Thanks,” he mumbles, then takes a big bite, groaning. “Wow, I haven’t had this since I was thirteen,” he says and I sigh, remembering the last birthday we all shared here. When times were better, happier. I let my walls down for just a minute and give him a real smile. A throat clearing has my grin turning into a frown.

“Oh, there you are Nixon. I was wondering if you just dropped Cal off and chickened out,” my grandfather sneers, and I choke on the small bite of cake I just placed in my mouth. I cough and Cal smacks my back.

“I’m okay,” I gasp and he stops. I glance between the three men surrounding me, and I know my cool is slowly fading. “Can someone please tell me what’s going on here?” I snap, then take a breath.

Cal’s dad scowls at me, and I stand once more. “I’m sorry. That was rude of me. How are you, Mr. Reynolds?” I ask in a polite tone, but behind my calm facade, I’m pissed. I have been told for years to avoid this family at all costs, and now they are crashing my birthday dinner? And they didn’t even bring Nate with them!

“Fine, dear. How are you? Eighteen now? Finally legal, I see,” he says, coming to place a kiss on my cheek. I fight my cringe, and nod. Cal snickers beside me, and I wish I could smack him. Mr. Reynolds takes the seat next to grandfather and helps himself to my cake. Bella and Leo bring in another bottle of champagne and glasses, then leave.

Grandfather pops the cork and fills all our glasses once more. “Well, now it seems we have two things to celebrate. Do you have any questions, Patience?” I drop my fork and laugh.

“So many. One would be why the hell are the Reynolds here, eating my cake, and why isn’t Nate here? I’m so confused.” Cal agrees with me, and I breathe out a sigh of relief. At least I’m not the only one in the dark here.

Cal’s dad stops eating and glares at my grandfather. ”I thought you gave her the letter.”

“I did. Have you not finished it darling?” My grandfather gives me a worried look, and I shake my head.

“No, Cal showed up before I had a chance to. What’s going on?” Mr. Reynolds starts laughing, and I give him a worried glance.

He stands from the table as if he’s about to give a toast and looks between me and his son, then holds his glass out to us. “Congratulations kids, you’re getting married.”

”I’m sorry! What?” I shout loudly, and stand from my chair, laughing almost manically. My grandfather hisses for me to calm down and stop acting hysterical. I continue to laugh as if I have lost my mind. Hysterical. I’ll show him hysterics.

“You are out of your fucking minds if you think I will ever marry him,” I growl, point to Cal, grab the letter and envelopes, then storm out.

“Wait, what?” Cal shouts behind me, sputtering and coughing, but I don’t pause. I make a stop in the bathroom to fix my makeup and order an Uber. Fuck this shit! I’m not staying a minute longer.

Chapter Twenty

“Cal, do not walk away from me!” my dad roars, as my brother storms past the living room where I have been watching some random movie. I tried paying attention, but my mind is elsewhere. I can’t believe I left this morning without giving Patience her present. But, seeing her bent over the counter by Kian will forever be ingrained in my mind.
