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I shrug. “You can go explore Sunrise Bay. If you head that way”—I point—“you’ll go back by the bay.”

“Okay. Sounds good. Hope Hank is doing well. Give him my best.”

I nod and leave Clara’s house, not liking leaving Ben in there alone.

On the way to the medical center, I turn on the radio to get my mind off Clara, but of course my stepsister Nikki’s show—Scandals of Sunrise Bay—is on.

“I know I missed the morning shift, everyone, and I apologize, but my little man had a checkup with the doctor. I know you were in good hands with Chip anyway,” she starts. “But I’m about to make it worth the wait.”

“Do tell,” Chip says.

“Well, I was on my way into the station when I heard a male voice calling for Clara. I stopped and turned to see Ben Noughton from the San Francisco Kingsmen running toward her like he was Superman. Literally. Instead of a cape though, it was his wheeled luggage flowing behind him. The man is massive.”

“He’s a lineman,” Chip says as if that’s explanation enough, which I suppose it is if you know football. “And isn’t Ben your stepbrother’s teammate?”

“Sure is!” Nikki’s voice is way too upbeat for this to be a positive thing for me. “And Xavier was just opening the door to Truth or Dare Brewery for our little librarian, Clara Harrison.”

Chip plays some sound they’ve been using lately during these stupid gossip sessions.

“Everyone knows Xavier is my stepbrother and I’ve known Clara for the same amount of time I’ve known him. I always thought there was something between them, then two years ago, their friendship crumbled out of nowhere. No one knew why. Well, I’m certain her sister, Presley, did, but she was so tight lipped you’d think her mouth was superglued shut.”

“They are family,” Chip adds his two cents.

“Sure, but so am I. Anyway, back to today, because that’s what matters. I got a phone call late last night about how Grandma Ethel and Dori had worked their magic, getting Xavier and Clara locked in Terra and Mare and forcing them to talk out their differences. Witnesses said they came out smiling, so I’m assuming all is right in the world with those two now. But then today when Ben Noughton announced his arrival into Sunrise Bay by calling Clara’s name, Xavier looked anything but happy to see him.”

“Are you suggesting that maybe Xavier and Clara aren’t just best friends? That perhaps underlying feelings have started to surface?”

Damn Chip. I have no idea how an aging man handles gossiping with Nikki over the radio. I wish the two of them would mind their damn business and keep their opinions to themselves.

“I’m not sure. I have my feelers out, and I’m expecting a few people out there to report back to me if they spot anything to either confirm or deny that theory. But I don’t think anyone in town would mind if those two finally admitted what we all already know—that they freaking want to see each other naked!”

I turn a corner and my hands grip the steering wheel a little tighter.

“It’s been weird not to see Clara with his number on her cheek on game days the past couple years. Even this year, the first game of the season, she was doing inventory at The Story Shop instead of being the biggest cheerleader for our hometown hero.”

I hate the term hometown hero. They have no idea the pressure it puts on me to succeed. If I hadn’t become one of the best quarterbacks in the league and had ended up back here, what would this town have thought of me then? That I was a failure, I’m sure.

“It’s so romantic, right? Kindergarten friends to lovers, all they’ve shared together, the town librarian and the famous quarterback. The romantic comedy script practically writes itself.” Nikki sighs dreamily.

“You have to be right first before someone can write it, and you know, some of his behavior in the past hasn’t always put Xavier in the best light. That model he brought here when he was given that award at the high school, standing up on stage in the shortest dress ever during our late fall, was ridiculous. Everyone felt for Clara that day, sitting up in the stands when she should’ve been the one by his side, supporting him like she did for so many years.”

“I’ll give you that, Chip. Clara has always seemed like a woman who stands by her man. But I have to remind everyone on behalf of my stepbrother that they’ve never officially been an item. Sure, this town has shipped them together as a couple, but they weren’t. Clara could’ve dated if she’d chosen to.”

“Still, I always thought Xavier took Clara for granted.”

What the fuck, Chip? Seriously?

“I don’t know about that.” At least my stepsister is sticking up for me. “He sure was there for her when her mom died. He couldn’t stay here and play professional football. He had to leave.”

Thank you very much, Nikki.

“I just didn’t like the model thing. And showing up in a limo… what the hell was that? He felt like a different guy back then.”

I pull up to the medical office to get my dad and I’m torn between listening to the rest or turning it off and living happily in ignorance and bliss. Luckily, Nikki changes the topic to the new drink at The Grind and I’m thankful to not have my name on the radio any longer.

It’s not that I’m not used to having my name in the press. I am a professional athlete. But it’s usually to do with how I performed on the field, not my personal life.

Once I get out of my truck, I head into the medical office and up the elevator.

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