Page 93 of Angelina

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Chapter Twenty-Eight


Itried to reach Hugh earlier but got nothing.I knew he wasn’t dead, but there was no doubt that he was badly injured.Where was he?

Gideon and Corbin tried to calm me, and I went into the bedroom and slammed the door.I didn’t want to be calm!I wanted to know where Hugh was!Hugh!He was here.I rubbed my hands over my face.

If he was here, what did that mean for Kristin and the baby?Had something happened to them?My stomach rolled with anxiety, and then another thought hit me.If Hugh was here, and my sister was alright, would she come?Would she know that Hugh was hurt?

I stewed over a million questions as I lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling.Gideon and Corbin were still in the other room, probably to make sure I did not try to sneak out.

If Hugh was here in this building, there was no doubt he was in the basement, and there was no way for me to get down there to him, not without the help of Portage.

He seemed very sure of himself that Kristin would come.Was he planning on abusing Hugh for another six or seven weeks?Or longer?I did not doubt that he probably would.

For the tenth time since I’d come to my room, I reached out to Hugh.“Hugh, can you hear me?Please answer me!”

“Angelina.”My whispered name brought tears to my eyes.

“Hugh, thank god!Are you okay?I know you are hurt, but how bad is it?”

His laugh stuttered like he was doing it around a wince.“I feel like a French fry.”

“A French fry?”I was perplexed.

“Yeah, he fried me under a UV light.”

Horror consumed me, and I sat straight up in bed.“What?Please tell me you are joking.”

“Oh, I would not joke about this, trust me.”

“Jesus, I’m going to kill that man.”

“He is using me to get to Kris.”

“I know.How is my sister?”

“She is fine.”

“How are you here?How did you get out?Why are you here?”

“All that matters is that I am here.I came for you.”

Tears prickled the backs of my lids.“You came for me?”

“I love you, Angelina.I couldn’t live one more minute without you.”

“But Hugh—”

“I know you are mated to someone else, Angelina.That matters not to me.”He paused.“Unless you love him and not me.”

“I care about Corbin, but I do not love him.How could I love him when it is you that I desire and love above everything?”

“Then why did you mate him?Is he another reborn?”

“He is, and that is why I did.I wanted his power.”

“And do you have it?”

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