Page 90 of Angelina

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For a moment, it reminded me of the night I had gone to rescue Alex.At the time, I was mated to Trent, and Trent had gone in a separate vehicle, expecting me to return to the arms of Alex.I hadn’t, though.I had remained with Trent.

This time there weren’t any last words.We were on the road and heading toward the western part of the state.We should be there in just over two hours.Cameron, Gabe, Joshua, Henry, Ryker, Jett, and Lorna murmured together in my transport.I remained quiet as I tried to gather as much intel as possible about what we were moving into.

I was tempted to reach out to my sister but feared she would give away our arrival.I didn’t want Portage knowing any sooner than need be.

I focused instead on Hugh and tried to get through to him in his pain.“Hugh, if you can hear me, I am coming.We are coming.”

A moment later, a pain-filled whisper reached me.“No!”

“Yes, I will be there soon.You will be free.”

“It’s a trap, Kristin.It’s Portage.”

“I know.”

“But our—”

“Daughter is fine and with Isaac.”

“What?You already had the baby?How long have I been here?”

“It’s a long story, but I will share it with you once you are safe.I’m going to lock down now, but I wanted you to know we are coming.”

“Kristin, stay safe.”

“I will.”With that, I closed off Hugh and then reached down deep into my body to find the blood bond I had with Alex.It helped that I’d had so much of Zander’s blood, and that strengthened the blood bond.I dug deeper, pulling from my power to find what I was looking for, and finally, I did.

“Corbin,”I called softly so as not to frighten him with an unknown voice.“Can you hear me?”

It took a moment, but he answered,“Who the hell is this, and how did you get into my fucking head?”

“Please remain calm, and if you are not alone, please go somewhere so that we might talk.”

He grew quiet for a few seconds.“Who is this?”

“This is Angelina’s sister.”

“The mistress?But how did you get in my head?”

“It’s a long story, Corbin, but we are connected.Is Angelina alright?”

“Lena is fine, although she is freaking out because Portage is torturing your mate.”

“I figured as much.I had thought to contact her, but I knew that she was probably not of the right mind.”

“Is there a message you want me to give her?”

“No, I have a message for you.A group of us are coming for Hugh and the rest of you.”

“Okay,”he replied slowly.“But aren’t you like eight months pregnant or something.”

“Or something.Worry not about me.I need to confirm the location that you are in.”

“I don’t know exactly where we are.The building is protected by multiple human-turned, but I do know it’s an old hotel.”

“I thought as much.”I sighed to myself.“Will you be able to open a door for us when we arrive?”

“I can try.How far away are you?”

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